Jigoku no Gouka de Yaka re Tsuzuketa Shounen. Saikyou no Honou Tsukai to Natte Fukkatsu Suru. - Vol. 1 Ch. 4

Active member
Mar 10, 2019
@Nematoda imo, is still better than sending his "supposed" son to burn in hell for all eternity, at least when escaping, theres a sliver chance of success, and the master can buy time or something, by sacrificing he pretty much gave up on him and regret later
Dex-chan lover
Jan 13, 2019
@grandygon just reminder that those elders are supposed to be people who protect the hell gate...
surely they are strong unlike some brats, even MC cannot win against his master, and if he knew that his master sacrifice himself for him, even tho MC can run away, there's chance he gonna take revenge and attacking village directly and die in the hand of elder...
probably his master thinking rather having MC got 'slowly but painful death', better die 'immediately' burned into nothing by hell flames, tho i think his master didn't know that hell flames also slowly burning souls so MC still suffering in the end.
and no, MC supposed to die, not 'burned for eternity', it just MC soul is different since his soul can't get destroyed by the flame....
if got burned for eternity, surely inside the gates there's other previous victims, but there's none and MC is alone...
Active member
Mar 10, 2019
@Nematoda ill give that the elders are strong, perhaps as strong as the master himself. But dying by being burnt to death are considered slow and painful death, and i still cant forgive the fact the the MASTER KNEW that his soul will be burnt to nothing (as indicated in ch1), HE EVEN SAID REINCARNATION IS IMPOSSIBLE.

In fact by knowing the soul will be burnt to nothing, I actually guess the elder and master knows that the flames of hell is being kept as long the soul remains burning. And it is time to replace them when the soul has been burnt to nothing. They have protected the gates for 1000 years, surely they have some records recorded and knowledge discovered along the way, otherwise how do they know even the souls will cease to exist.

The fact that the master "gave up" and let his "son" soul burn to nothing is more merciful than taking the gamble of letting the "son" escape? sorry I cant get behind him,
Mar 26, 2019
I think people here are ignoring a few things and taking others for granted. Let's wait and see what else is revealed as we go along. The master initially didn't look like he cared about his apprentice's fate, but it's obviously not the case anymore. Also, as someone else pointed out, the apprentice being left alone wouldn't have been a good thing. We're also not sure of the master's role in the village. Considering he looked like one of the few who wasn't as asshole, I would definitely have made the hard choice of living to keep those bastards in check, even if it meant sacrificing my son. Ultimately, the village is now gone and the master's home is still standing.

My theory is that the bastards of the village overstepped their boundaries or did some really messed up stuff. The master may have aided those who took out the village, hence why his home is still intact. He probably lived out the remainder of his life there as penance. Also, don't forget guys, MC was supposed to die, not burn for such a long time. So his master wasn't condemning him to such a fate.
Dex-chan lover
May 1, 2018
I like yuri. I like shoujo ai. Accordingly I don't exactly dislike lesbians in stories I read. But even I must admit, that lady knight is really starting to get on my nerves...
Dec 13, 2020
that knight... not only she let him carry all the heavy stuff, She try to get into his house as if he wasn't standing there. why MC have to suffer with this?? is he not suffering enough in hell flame and how villagers treat him??

BTW his master is so cool. if it not because of him, I would drop this manga
Dex-chan lover
Jan 13, 2019
@grandygon if they have record or knowledge about hell flames, they should knew how to seal it better....
they knew the flames also burn the souls probably when they try to seal it...
MC's suffering and lose conciousness thinking he gonna 'disappear' happen right after his soul started burning, so i think its not that long...
the flames probably just like 'living being', the flames satisfied after 'consume' the victims, then it calm itself until the flames got 'hungry' and demand another sacrifice...

and rather seeing MC got tortured and die slowly death, better die immedately....
i assume that Village is place of Big Shot since they protecting the world from Hell Flames, that even still recorded after 1k year has passed...
so if MC 'successfully' run away, i doubt the world gonna leave him alone when the village got huge influence on that world...
moreover MC cannot use 'fire thingy' and just using his fist and kick....
so for me what Master did is still acceptable if we use 'Medieval' logic...
Mar 5, 2019
I hate yuri. I hate shoujo ai. Accordingly I exactly dislike lesbians in stories I read. I must admit, that lady knight is really starting to get on my nerves...
Active member
Mar 10, 2019
@Nematoda since the records existence are something we dont know other than my assumption, same goes with your assumption of the villagers or elders being strong. They are pretty much assumption and we can build opposing arguments based on these. However, there will be no end to this, so lets jsut discuss on what has been show so far.

No matter how it is being cut out here, I still cant behind the master decision. He does not even let his own "son" make the decision, "hey kid, you wanna escape? if you want i can help you bla bla" "or you prefer to stay here and bla bla?" Sure the kid may refuse knowing his loyalty, but at least give him a choice? The master also left him on a cold feet, think he is no longer cool if he shows his tears to the kid? IMO, it is just a red herring set by author to set up the chapter, which is cheap. In fact even the MC said that he has some grudge with the master's decision.

Next chapter also shown that the master are still regretting. However regret does not change the past, he just had some random dream and cling to this hope? So, what ll happen if he doesnt even have this dream? rot in his house? thats cheap, he is just regretting and take no action than clinging to his past in seclusion.
May 7, 2018
oh come on if his master had really cared about him he would have told him to escape and took his place instead.
Anyway lets see what the rest of the diary says.
Oct 8, 2020
zerg shut up you just wanna believe he's evil "if he really cared he would've died instead" that's not how it works fuck face but you probably wouldn't know you lonely ass sad piece of shit i bet nobody ever loved you (no disrespect) i said no disrespect you can't get mad now thems the rules
Dex-chan lover
Nov 8, 2019
I want to point out 2things:
1) The sacrifice needs to be a “young magician”.
2) The hellflame would break out soon.

Of course you can just argue “but you can just run away from that place, let them sacrifice themself and a lot of innocent that just unfortunate enough to be caught on it, not to mention the society probably will be falling apart”, but it’s not always the logical answer.

From their conversation, we also know that the elders have planned everything from the start to the point the master can’t refute them.
Active member
Mar 10, 2019

well the village has also a lot of other young magicians, even the bullies at the beginning. I mean it is even shown in Page 1 of ch 1

If master really wanna save his son and doesnt wanna let the fire to breakout, he can you know kidnap JUST ONE OF THOSE BULLY and throw them into the gate. Or yeah they can escape. technically the village has a lot of young mages that the elders can randomly pick another

The fact that the master know it in advance is even worse then, since that means master doesnt do anything and just break the news one days before the sacrifice.
If he really wanna let him sacrifice himself, he could at least break the news in advance and treasure the last moment more? But the way it is shown in the manga, it is very cheap.

Sure he cried and all, but he literally does NOTHING, and the fact the latest few chaps he aint mentioned anymore is just how insignificant he is in the story, that even the author brush him off just like that.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 8, 2019
Know in advance
The master is quite shocked when he heard the news. It’s very obvious he heard the news very late, it’s no surprise if he knew it just the day before.

Run for it
and what? Let the fire escape, letting not only them but quite possibly the world burn? As said earlier, it’s quite possible that he only know just the day earlier, so the elders wouldn’t make in time to prepare the next sacrifice, considering they have found a perfect one for a long time.

Kidnap and throw someone.
Nah, we don’t do that here.

Ok, let’s assume the Master have some wicked moral, but does he have the power for what will come after? After all, by doing it he will become... uh... idk, probably criminal? Have their head hunted and running for their whole life.
Sep 4, 2020
I really couldn’t give two fucks about the yuri author can keep it, but obsessive creepy love/worship is a big no for me. Just kill off aishera ffs

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