@ominus I don't think the remaining twin ( if still alive) can do anything. Even ignoring how unprovable the claim is, the twin would be the person who got protected so the vote would between the MC and bodyguard with the last person making the deciding vote. I don't think there is any way for the twin role to affect anything now.
Effectively, this" game" just came down to two a 50/50s: the bodyguard choosing the right person out of two to protect and the remaining person voting correctly between the bodyguard and werewolf. I think the only way to change those last odds would be decisions based on a person's personality, which I can only think of logic against the MC being the bodyguard. Since a skilled player is making the final decision, I would think they're more likely to conclude that the MC would have been smart enough to protect the fortune teller the previous night, whereas the squirrely girl might not be that smart.