Jokes aside, but I am haunted by the obsessive thought that this guy is a crossdressed girl. Of course, they could still introduce a token bad boy or a guy who will become her love interest in the future, but after a bunch of fake male characters in such titles, I have a strange feeling.I swear to god the world is testing me 😅
My gf cheated on me with a Biker guy, like 2 weeks ago. I've been trying to not think about her much but holy, last week's Rent a Gf cover page had Kazuya as a Biker guy for Mizuhara... Today this guy appears with a bike in her school, suddenly it's like bikes and biker guys are spamming on my face/insta feed and even on my fav mangas Im trying to read to escape reality 🥲🥲🥲
Ffs man, give me a break. I already lost my dream princess to it, stop shoving it on my face, god💀💀
Yes, there is a feeling of some kind of trick or bait and switch when you expect that tropes will not play straight here.He probably a nice dude but he have this suspicious feeling around him that I can't just ignore.
hehhey! you there with the thick eyebrows!!
It all depends on the tropes. This would work ideally in a high school rom-com with a female lead, but that's not the case. But for now, it looks like he's definitely going to be the 80s-style token bad boy in their company.I'm into it, I know the ship won't sail but I hope it will.
oh dear, you might be righthe has mommy issues, and mc is mature, you know where this is going.
Yeah I thought it was super obvious that it's gonna go the sibling direction. Given the series thus far I don't think Sayuri's gonna be going down any romance routes for the time beingConsidering the previous chapter begins with her wishing for siblings, I assume this guy has family issues and they bond like big sister and a brother instead of romance.