JK to Sutego no Akachan - Vol. 3 Ch. 17 - Chapter 17

Dex-chan lover
Sep 26, 2018
what a terrible mother, doesnt care at all about her daughter but when theres trouble, she just casualy slap her
Dec 26, 2019
So the notes at the end of each chapter were actually Asakura's, implying how he'd been sexually abused by his own mother when young. Doesn't make any of the things he did okay, but it makes a twisted sort of sense why, & ties back to the theme of mothers.

This was a great manga.
Active member
Jan 6, 2019
That slap must be closest thing to "love and affection" that mom ever give to her daughter... but I not sure in that slap have any single bit of love and affection or it's just about "how dare you make me lose face like that"
Well, at least Haru will be fine
Dex-chan lover
Aug 8, 2018
What I hate most about Wakaba's mom is that she's a hypocrite. She was always on TV talking about how you need to raise children with love and affection, but she neglected her own daughter to the point she was suicidal and taken advantage of by a predator, THEN showed up and slapped the crap out of Wakaba because it hurt her reputation to have a daughter like that. I wonder if Wakaba's mom had any sort of trauma in her past like Asakura or if she's just an asshole.

Note: Asakura doesn't get a pass because of what his mom did to him, but his motives make a bit more sense now.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 30, 2018
I feel so sorry for Wakaba. Really hope her meeting with her son this chapter is a sign of positive change for her and her life.

I guess the records at the end of the chapters belong to Asakura? That doesn't justify his awful behavior though. Whatever happens to his sentence, seems like he would at least have to stop working as a teacher there and didn't see Haru or Wakaba again, hopefully.

Thanks for the translation!
Jan 6, 2020
“a female student had sexual relations..”
NO A TEACHER RAPED A CHILD he was teaching, this rhetoric puts the focus on the [female] child, and make it seem like the underage student played an equal part in the crime.
Kanzaki is still an asshole for publish that a student was RAPED by a pedophile teacher he just effectively ruined the other child’s life. He could have had the News paper focused on the teacher instead of degrading the student who was already being neglected , raped and end up in an abusive relationship.
And Kanzaki still rather judge and lecture his students before trying to find out what’s wrong with them which is why Wakaba or Monoka didn’t talk to him in the first place

Also fuck Asakura : Japanese writers always do this. They make a character who does degrading horrible as possible and give him a sad back story to deflect or excuse their action.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 23, 2018
Ugh it's shit. So no redemption for the real mother? Oh sorry, I kinda forgot that only the main character and her friends are the only good ones in mangas. Or maybe Japan's system is shittier.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
That's the issue, is that in real life, no one is unconditionally evil. Everyone justifies what they did to themselves. Abuse victims become abusers, personality disorders arise from improper treatment, and everyone perceives themselves as the ones in the right.

It is not the author excusing his actions, but instead demonstrating the endless cycle that abuse victims go through. Plus it continues the running them of family and how blood is not thicker than water. If you notice, all the biological parents in this manga are depicted as morally questionable at best, but unquestionably abusive. Wakaba's mom is neglectful, she is codependent on her teacher, who has psychopathic tendencies and who, in turn, was abused by his mother. We don't know about the protagonist's parents, but she was abandoned just like Haru was, so we can assume similar circumstances. This contrasts Monoka's mother, who is a good mother despite not being blood related and being stricter and more disciplined-such discipline ultimately leads her down a better moral path than Wakaba's neglectful mother who's lack of any parenting leads to tragedy.

Really, it only serves to continue the themes of the work and also adds some realism more than being just a tragic backstory for the sake of one.
Jan 6, 2020
No in real life there are action that are clearly, point blank evil. People that make excuse, pretending there are equal sides to an clear cut issue’s just allow abusers to pretend their victims. Their are people that commit to their crimes.Also their are plenty of people that don't justify what they do lol, they just don't care or they do it because they can get away with it. Ya' know like genocide , concentration camps etc -_-

The whole idea that someone with a mental illness is highly likely to commit a crime is false and this incorrect information stems from the media portray someone with a mental illness as murders, that portray isn’t “realistic” its false and slanderous and hurts real people with mental health isses.. A person is far more likely to be assaulted by a normal person then someone struggling with mental illness.

We are given incredibly vague information on what even happened to Asakura as a child, just that his mother “She laid a hand on him, and looked at him with a strange look in her eyes" to explain why he hates mothers and insinuate that she abused him in some way. He was already using Wakabe long before she became a “mother” so that a huge leap in logic to equivalent a fear or hatred of mothers to being a pedophile. Being abused as a child doesn’t make people want to rape children, if it did their be a lot child rapist around [and this ‘theory has long sense been debunked, same with being molested by the same sex as a child makes you gay]. There isn’t even the slightest bit of correlation to this causation.

Manipulation is also only a small part of anti-social personality disorder or being a “psychopath” and having one trait of a disorder that has a long list of specifications to its diagnosis doesn’t make a person have trendies for entire disorder. Plenty of serial killers are not ASP disorder. Manipulation is just a textbook skill of an abuser or someone that wants power over someone else. There is also the basic fact that he’s an adult and has more knowledge and experience then a c.h.i.l.d
Also, Also. Personality disorders are treated differently then mental illness because the prominent theory on most of them are they people are *BORN* with them which makes them so hard to treat in the first place because someone who has one thinks its normal as they have always acted that way. [Yes, I know there are a 1 or 2 that are belived to happen after trauma but most or not. It is not a ‘arise from improper treatment’

It is, as I said…a sad back story slapped onto Asakusa to give him some last minute sympathy. which IS a troupe often used in manga from All the villains in Naruto to the father that 'seemly abandon their children in Attack on titan or NGE and many other media .Its a stark cliché by now. Full realism would require focus on factual reality of the psychological issues throughout the story instead of altering things and pretending that their isn’t clear cut blame on culpable and purposeful malicious actions so the villain doesn't have to have full blame.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
I'll outright say that I never claimed that people with mental illness are more likely to assault someone or what not. Your argument has the parameters a bit confused, as I was claiming that of criminals, there will be those who have committed crimes and have mental illnesses, especially as some personality disorders like borderline, antisocial personality disorder, conduct disorder, and other disorders do show violent tendencies. It doesn't mean everyone who has this disorder a violent criminal or if a disproportion amount of people who are criminals have this disorder, that doesn't translate to the entire population because that's not how statistics works, and just because a disproportionate amount of a population of interest has a disorder, that only speaks to the population and not the disorder itself.

Also, causes of personality disorders can vary depending on what it is. Trauma can certainly lead to certain disorders like anxiety disorders, PTSD, major depressive disorder, etc. What can cause personality disorders is a mix of biological, psychological and environmental factors and can not all be painted with such a broad brush. For instance, someone may be predisposed to major depressive disorder but never go through it because of lack of anything that would cause it. It's a bit reductive to say someone is just born with a personality disorder because each one is different and may arise differently. ASD you are certainly born with and Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that can arise later in life but has heavy genetic factors, however, other disorders are similarly likely to arise from circumstance, as PTSD would only arise by definition if you had a traumatic experience. However, all of this is irrelevant in this case because we're trying to apply generalities to an individual which doesn't work, especially as everyone reacts to things differently. Asakusa was traumatized by his experience and saying that lead him to abuse isn't necessarily inaccurate in terms of what the narrative implies. There is evidence to suggest significance between the two, and mental health disorders arising from abuse or neglect are real phenomena, and child abuse is linked to antisocial personality disorder, though it's a chicken or the egg scenario without further research.

Finally, I'll discuss morality with you because I have always been interested in philosophy. I'll be clear in this: I don't believe in good and evil as an objective force or anything beyond something humans have made. It's too simplistic to reflect reality. For instance, you reference the Holocaust but Hitler, who also was an abuse victims by the way, had an entire philosophy behind his actions and a twisted view of what he was doing as moral due to his own internal and insular justifications mixed with the socioeconomic and cultural situation in both Europe, the world and Germany at the time. Similarly, Pol Pot, Joseph Stalin, and Mao all believed what they were doing was good not only for the preservation of their country, but to ensure that their communist party was successful, "the ends justify the means." Humans unquestionably rationalize their actions, they get caught up in mob mentality, follow authority to a fault, and are too easily swept up by emotions. It's the banality of evil, the leaders of the extermination camps came home everyday to a wife and loving family as if nothing had happened, and those who have caused more death and destruction in the world all believed themselves to be the moral force for good. That is why I can not say in good conscious a person is just "evil," or that people just commit actions because they are "evil," because such justifications are dehumanizing and reduce the complexity of people down to such a base aspect, and that line of reasoning itself also leads to just as much evil as the people it claims to be fighting. Because if you paint your opponent as worst than you in every aspect, anything you do becomes justified.

Jan 6, 2020
My comment was about the story that I read- and I made a comment directly in the comment section for said story so I my assumption that your opposition statement is an reference to the characters I mention, I feel, I s fair. I also connected the actions of the antagonist Asaka- to any “mental illness” since you mentioned that the cycle of abuse can lead someone like him to his actions because I refute the idea that he behaved that way because of it.
I never said it wasn’t impossible for someone to develop a mental illness because of trauma im saying the idea that if Asaka had a mental illness blaming or attributing his it on his actions is false. The narrative is irrelevant my point isn’t using the story’s logic for his actions but the real-world logic as these idea’s and themes don’ts exist in a vacuum leading me to disagree with the portrayal. That’s why I connected the different mental issues like personality disorders, and abuse to be an improbably cause of his actions regardless if he has one or not .I am not randomly bring up random points in vast field that is psychology.

I didn’t reference the holocaust, I reference genocide in general as there are multiple ones that have happened in the world history , and was truly the most minor attribute to my comment. Genocide in one of the few actions of human brutality that even those with the lowest bar of ethics and morality agree on being unacceptable which i mentioned as a base. Im not here to play devils advocate and theories on if organized mass murder , ethical cleanings is some sort of justifiably actions committed by unfortunate plebs that need of sympathy . Im not interesting in entertaining those with such hateful ideology’s ~as if This manga on mother hood and child abuse is also a impromptu forum for Nazi rhetoric or an invitation for thinly veiled hate speech.//Peace Out//
Apr 24, 2019
Hopefully after this Four-eyes will be able to stop relying on others and start loving herself
That Bastard better get life imprisonment
And i hope that Hypocrite mom loses her reputation

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