[Don’t have Twitter, so I had to do it like this]
I haven’t read these yet, and won’t until you cover more Chapters, but I gotta thank you for doing this, from the bottom of my heart.
Part 6 is my favorite Part, yet there was always something I felt was “off” about it. Looking at how bad the translations actually were, I believe it was them that made me feel that “off-ness”. It’s sad to see how poorly handled it was. As if the translating team, like the “Part 6 bad” circlejerk, decided to go over it as fast as possible in order to get to SBR.
Now, however, I feel good about Stone Ocean’s reputation. Thanks to your translations/corrections, and a lot of people spreading awareness of your translations, many will re-read the Part and probably form better opinions of it (can’t wait to see how Dragon’s Dream will feel after you re-translate it).
Again, thank you so much and I hope you manage to cover all of SO! Keep up the good work!