JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Part 8: JoJolion (Official Colored) - Vol. 17 Ch. 70 - Urban Guerrilla and Doremifasolati Do Part 3

Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
Hi! I'm part of the team that works on this project. Chapter 70 is currently the last chapter that has been released in color in Japan. When more chapters are released in color, the JJCA will work on them. But for now, please don't think that the project has been dropped, or that we are neglecting it. We can't do any more until it's actually available.

In the meantime, the black and white version is right there, and many of the same people work on it. We promise that it is a smooth transition. I love the color stuff, but there's a reason that Araki has so much success in black and white. His art is phenomenal!
Dec 29, 2019
This was one of my favorite fights this part. Thanks for the hard work. Jojolion is so beautiful in color
Sep 5, 2019
Thank you. But is it ‘Brainstorm’ or ‘Brianstorm’ though? The Arctic Monkeys’ song.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
@Fakestar nope, I thought that too when we first worked on the chapter, but in this case it's the name of the first song on the Hawkwind album "Doremi Faso Latido", which also has the song "Urban Guerrilla". So all three names for the characters and stand come from one album!

And the katakana spelling equates to "burein", pronounced as "Brain" rather than "Buraian" which would be the likely way that "Brian" would sound when written in katakana.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
@thefountain no clue! JoJolion volumes 1 and 2 launched in color in December 2015. Since then they have released in batches of one to five volumes at once, with no consistent schedule whatsoever. I assume that one or two volumes will be released in 2020, but I have no idea when. They are close to catching up with the black and white release, so I doubt that they will release them quickly.
Jun 22, 2018
@Bracketier I actually don't mind waiting for the colored ones at all. I think I will probably survive until then, and it is really worth the wait. I get that he draws very good, but not only you can see that in your colored version, I think overall the colored golden experience is better, and shouldn't be spoiled, by namely, reading the monochrome. We all wait for berserk every year don't we? It's just a matter of time and patience haha
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
@seltor yep, I totally get you. It's all entertainment. We don't need any of it, so it's good to just enjoy it when it happens.

My comment was geared towards people who refuse to read it in black and white while also complaining to the team I work with that we should work faster on something we don't have control of.
Dec 7, 2019
@Bracketier Thank you and your team for all the hard work! I absolutely don't mind waiting because I'd be waiting even if I were to read the monochrome because I'd be caught up :D . I hope people don't give you guys too much shit by not understanding your situation. Just wanted to let you know we appreciate your efforts!
Mar 3, 2020
@Bracketier Thank you so much for your hard work we all appreciate it even if we all dont comment!! I just started commenting on the recent chapters. Keep up the good work :)
May 6, 2020
Just binged all these in 2 days and made an account just to tell you how appreciative I am of your team. Great job really enhanced my experience but now i need more so I'm sadly going to b&w :(
Jul 12, 2019
Thank You Guys so Much for Helping me Catch Up with JoJo! One year ago I finished up Part 5 colored and part 6 colored 2 months after. Took a while for me to finish part 7 mostly cause when school started I lost motivation. But one year Later I’m on Part 8! I’m sad to move on to black and white but from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for the fantastic year! Your translation is the best! I wish Viz Would hire you guys so you can help produce JoJo manga faster! Thank you! Stay Groovy!

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