Knowing Araki, that could have been possible.I did NOT need to see that nipple scene. But hey, at first I was worried his dick was coming off.
Technically, it's imagination of US. And it doesn't matter if it's normal, single situation of bullying can be way over average and then you add factor of it being JojoIs this level of bullying normal in japan? why do i always see insane amounts of fucked up bullying in manga and anime?
Doesn’t exactly help that Dragona is trans, or at least genderqueer (at least, that’s what I could surmise from the chapter). And there is a long history of people bullying anyone who doesn’t perfectly fit the gender binary.Is this level of bullying normal in japan? why do i always see insane amounts of fucked up bullying in manga and anime?
New meme just dropped lmaoDRIPP🔥🔥🔥![]()