Josou shite Off-Kai ni Sanka shite mita. - Vol. 3 Ch. 53

Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
Dex-chan lover
Jun 19, 2020
This is clearly what is meant when people say yuri can include guys, the most lesbian of gay men
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2019
Not really. I like playing with them and mixing them like this.
That’s a good approach!
I’d have spent so much time overthinking.
I took 5 years off of writing or speaking Japanese because I couldn’t decide on which of the 52 personal pronouns I’d use informally
and if I’m trying to show a cute moment from some things to me wife shes lost by the time I explain which character is what gender and/or who knows.
女装して面倒くさいことになってる… is something I gave up on. Have to pull a tagboard and red strings to draw a complex diagram or something! She has no reason to memorise that mishegas.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2019
This is clearly what is meant when people say yuri can include guys, the most lesbian of gay men
This is an actual argument I have seen online by weirdos. About real life.
Like, cis either or trans, men, can be lesbians. I’ve had multiple people tell me that.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 19, 2020
This is an actual argument I have seen online by weirdos. About real life.
Like, cis either or trans, men, can be lesbians. I’ve had multiple people tell me that.
Gender and labels are a spook so I know there's some subset of trans men who stick with the lesbian label, but for all the cis men (and the trans men who aren't in that subset and are just misogynistic or whatever): Brick to face
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2019
Gender and labels are a spook so I know there's some subset of trans men who stick with the lesbian label, but for all the cis men (and the trans men who aren't in that subset and are just misogynistic or whatever): Brick to face
Neeeeeh. I think including literal men under that makes the adjective kinda useless and also insulting to them.
Outmoded usage I want to go away.
”Woman exclusively attracted to other women” is a useful definition of the adjective.
What does it mean otherwise?
”people kinda related to women-ness that are attracted to… whatever”? “Basic boys are gross?”

How is a word meaning that good for anything?

I’m over here using “queer”, “homosexual“ and occasionally “gay”, never using any flag (I moved back to earth tones, black, and jeans) and never wearing orange in public because a word that perfectly describes my orientation has been slowly broadened to include literally all gender/assignment combinations aside one.
I don’t even use rainbows because some people get annoyed when people don’t use the patronising triangle.

I need to stop talking to other queers, because things have gotten so muddled and a day in the sun fades any flag to another and I end up going off, leaving or deleting my account for the whatever website and going POOF.

im a prickly bitch that is pretty far left, but not “words mean whatever anyone wants“ left.
I’m a “ equal rights for all, seize the means of production, ACAB, ’end’ all nazis” lefty
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Dex-chan lover
Jun 19, 2020
Oh yeah I mean I agree generally, quite like keeping lesbian just as women (or well also including femme enbies) just into women myself tbh, but just saying that words are weird (especially ones about identity which is an inherently weird and messy thing for a lot of people) and there's usually exceptions. Don't really get your middle paragraph though, you can't wear orange clothes or use rainbows because ??? Dunno even what the patronising triangle is. But yeah, you should wear whatever colors you want (or just more orange, the best color), don't gotta change how you're dressing and what labels you use for yourself just cause some people think differently.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2019
(or well also including femme enbies)
That would make the word useless for homosexual women.
That idea smacks of both homophobia and transphobia.

”Well, these are basically girls, anyway” no, that’s not how that works.
Women are a gender, and enbies is a whole bunch of different genders. Respect homosexuals by letting us keep a word that has meant the same thing for thousands of years, and respect non-binary people for not lumping them in with us.
”Trixic” is a term. There are other similar terms that I don’t understand the differences among, because I’m neither non-binary nor attracted to non-binary people. Not for me to understand, just to say “ok” because I have no reason to weigh in on it.

A word that means “a woman who is attracted to women and these other genders, too” doesn’t apply to me, so are you saying I’m not a lesbian, or are you saying I shouldn’t be homosexual?

You put people of various genders who are feminine in with women, as opposed to the, just being the genders that they are.
think about that.
You equated femininity with womanhood.
Presentation with gender.

That’s not ok.

I know I’m being pretty snippy, but I’m sick of this. For years I’ve seen people saying this crap and it’s bullshit. I once saw someone argue that “non-binary people fit into every orientation“ to which I replied “did you just somehow invent heterophobia?!”

”lesbian” is an exclusive term. It is a word that describes people of a particular gender who are exclusively attracted to said gender. That gender being “women”.
If you don’t think homosexuality should exist or that femininity defines womanhood, go ahead and say that people other than women can be lesbians so long as they’re feminine and think boys are gross or whatever the hell. You’ll still be talking utter rubbish, but that would at least have internal consistency.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 19, 2020
Mate, I'm a lesbian, and you're putting a lot of words into my mouth about this. I'm just saying its a bit useless to try and make inherently messy and fuzzy stuff like this so cut and dry, and doing so makes it not reflect the way its used and practiced in the real world (like despite what you may think lesbians generally are into femme enbies). I didn't equate femininity with womanhood, nor presentation with gender, nor suggest that homosexuality shouldn't exist, none of any of that shit. You don't gotta get angry at me
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2019
Mate, I'm a lesbian, and you're putting a lot of words into my mouth about this. I'm just saying its a bit useless to try and make inherently messy and fuzzy stuff like this so cut and dry, and doing so makes it not reflect the way its used and practiced in the real world (like despite what you may think lesbians generally are into femme enbies). I didn't equate femininity with womanhood, nor presentation with gender, nor suggest that homosexuality shouldn't exist, none of any of that shit. You don't gotta get angry at me
The thing you said immediately makes the words useless to homosexual women. That’s just a fact.

Are you attracted to non-binary people? Then you’re not a lesbian.
That’s not what the word means.
You are mistaken if you think most lesbians are attracted to more than one gender. That’s bisexual/pan/trixic…

Or are you saying they’re a subset of “women”?
What of butch women? If femininity (That’s what femme means. Feminine. “Femme enbies” means “people of any gender aside women or men that is feminine”) is the only qualification, then that excludes them. It makes the word useless to me, and all other homosexual women, because WE ARE NOT ATTRACTED TO PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT WOMEN.

It’s an adjective, not a club.

Orientation and gender are complex. That’s not what this is.
Taking an adjective and trying to force it to not apply to the same people it has for literal thousands of years is gross.

Thing exists, word is created to not have to say the entire definition every time. That’s an adjective.
The thing still exists even if you try to arm wrestle it into an entirely different meaning.

I do have to get angry, because the thing you are promoting is vile, homophobic, and transphobic.

You’re either a moron or a terrible person.

Fuck off to your echo chamber of 100% chronically-online zoomers, and don’t speak to people who have an ounce of sense ever again.

“Queer culture”, especially online, is just as toxic as any other group gets, right now.

Stop trying to pretend everyone can be everything at once because words don’t need to mean things and go start a riot if you want to affect real change, you jackass.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 19, 2020
Fuck off to your echo chamber of 100% chronically-online zoomers, and don’t speak to people who have an ounce of sense ever again.
Aight again, you're just putting words in my mouth that I'm not saying. Like I'm not using femininity as the only qualification, and certainly not excluding butch women (???), you're just saying shit, making shitty assumptions about me, and accusing me of shit I'm not saying or doing. Like, stop it, chill for a second, touch some grass. If you want we can talk about this somewhere that isn't the chapter thread, cause like stuff like this is legitimately interesting to talk about, but right now you're just yelling at me about shit I'm not saying and acting like I'm the devil cause of it.

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