Just will pipe in here and note that this is another "I've soooo been looking forward to this" chapter for me to translate, 'cause I loved the whole "I'm going to kill you"..."I'm going to
heal you" exchange. Garron turns the badass scale up so high with stuff like that.
I've at least heard that EMT personnel have thrown out their backs multiple times from having to carry overweight individuals. If anyone could actually verify that, please speak.
I am not an EMT, but my real life job has put me in contact with quite a few over the years, and at least based on what I've heard, and what things I do know from experience, carrying
any person, overweight or not, is not an easy task when they're in a bad way (and exponentially moreso if the patient's in a state that's made them aggressive), and EMTs are prone to injuries if they're not careful. So yeah, widespread obesity aside, you're gonna want someone who can bring out their Beast King when caring for a delirious person ODing on, erm, mana.