Well I'm a bit confused now on what is going on in the heads of El and maybe Zuka. I have a feeling their special power will be revealed probably next chapter or the one after, but I'm sure at least El can see something in Para's head.
I'm not sure but I feel El's power is linked to her insecurities or self-perception? Like when Kyou said something about her scent, and that caused her to leave school because that triggered some sort of flee response (she was probably bullied before about her smell or something, thus she tried a popular shampoo "Bilien" to mask her scent, and when Kyo brought it up, she thought she was being attacked?)
I feel that her power is that she can read people's minds but not their intentions? So like when Kyo said that, he didn't mean that in a bullying tone (He was just saying it in the spur of the moment) but because she couldn't read his intentions, she thought he hated her.
same thing with this chapter where she could read the thought of Para "Not liking you" to Zuka, but unlike her response with Kyou where she was all flustered in not knowing what he was intending, she was able to hear the intent of Para thus had a cooler head/mindset. But when Para gave El a hard glare, El didn't run away like with Kyou, possibly because in Para's head she was apologising but couldn't say it out loud.
Just my two cents since this manga is about having powers about reading other people, but the downsides are that it causes you to create problems in your own relationships.