Introduce bad guy, beat him effortlessly. Repeat almost directly after the previous confrontation, but mix a little exposition in to boot. I dunno, this didn't feel satisfying at all. It's like they took Twice from My Hero Academia (only mud-themed cloning character I could recall on the spot), made him have no personality, then kill him off in the same chapter. Then there's the brain wave dude who dies mere pages after his introduction.
I'm only really reading this just as something else to have on the list, but this is pretty boring. It's like a power fantasy without the attempt at making a relatable character. Protag is just strong from the get go and wins with very little struggling. Nobody has any unique characteristics outside of the protag summoning goldfish with his sword. There's starting off slow and there's starting off strong, but this series is doing both by starting off strongly slow. Hopefully now that there's a dire conflict established, there will be something interesting.