Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen - Vol. 14 Ch. 139 - Miyuki Shirogane Wants to Discuss

Apr 13, 2018
You people do realize that these guys didn’t get the chapter out first because of some sort of superior work ethic, but because they used low-quality, second hand Korean scans? The actual raws aren’t available until Wednesday every week.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 15, 2018
Dear god, pls let this chibi form live a bit longer.
I noticed the group name, but I am not picky, and thank god someone upload it right on this website so this website can remember what chapter I read instead of me.
So... this is good, for me.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 24, 2018
If any of you guys know Korean y'all would realize that this translation is fucking trash lmao, if you're gonna usurp the establishment you better provide a superior product
Dex-chan lover
Oct 7, 2018
w33btr4sh is an angry Jamani shill. This translation is fine and at least it doesn't try to profit off the mangaka's work.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 5, 2019
Sniping is all well and good when dealing with shitty delay tactics and similar but this scanlation is downright terrible. The chapter is half rewrite, with multiple cases of text being outright wrong, as is usually the case when you do a translation of a translation. The massive watermark is obnoxious too.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2018
this must be the worst romance(?) and worst comedy(?) manga that i have ever read .

the 1st few chapters , maybe even the very 1st page , kill this entire manga for me .

maybe the manga will get better in later chapters , but i dont care , i dropped it after just only a few chapters .

what twisted logics from the twisted mind of the author :

- in love , there is controls , and controlled ????
- there is the master and the $ex slave ???? the master can step on and piss on the slave ????
- there is obeys and obeyed ????
- there is winner and loser ????
- the one who confess 1st is a fuking loser ????

i bet the author is a virgin , 50-years-old , loser male , and this is his wish-fullfillment manga : he wants a high-school girl to confess to him , so she will become his $ex slave and he can control her .

and both of the main characters are so fugly and annoying :

- they DELUSIONALLY think they are the best geniuses , the most smartest , the most prettiest , the most superior .
- they are so prideful , so full of themselves , so full of hot air .
- they have big egos .
- they are tsundere , or maybe just plain tsun-tsun , with no dere at all .
- they DELUSIONALLY think all the boys/girls in the whole world should just kneel down and confess to them .
- in their heads , they are always thinking : "im the best , but if a lowly commoner like him/her is begging for it , then i will let him/her lick my shoes , just like a lowly dog ."

in some stories , having 1 character with 1 of those characteristics is bad enough , and this manga has TWO characters like that ?

while reading this manga , i cant stop yelling : STOP YOUR NONSENSE BULL-SH!TTINGS . JUST FUK HIM/FUK HER ALREADY .

and they are the perfect netorare materials : just because of some silly , childish reasons , they refuse to confess , so i can already see the end of this manga : the male brat will watch and cry helplessly while a bunch of manly man "take" her , lol . or maybe it is the female brat who will watch and cry helplessly while ...

Jun 27, 2018
@daywithoutgames Your opinion is incorrect on all levels.

Feb 27, 2019
daywithoutgames, you are fucking idiot. How old are you - 12? Have you never seen married couples, where wife controls everything, or where husband is the head of the house? Yes, author exaggerated that for comedic effect, but its a real thing. And nobody said anything about sex slaves, you pathetic pervert, it was just your wild imagination, and you bringing up netorare just shows what kind of sick frick you are. Every single one of your "guesses" was wrong. I could explain to you why this manga is amazing, but I dont want to, I want you to GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE and never show up again. Go watch "good" romance with bland characters and non-existent comedy and FUCK OFF.
Aggregator gang
Jan 20, 2018
@daywithoutgames: There is a comment section to discuss the comic in general if you go back to the overview, unless you know that and are posting in the comment section of latest chapter thread because you want more attention in which case you should grow up.
Dec 24, 2018
¿Como te vas a poner así solo por un manga de comedia?, ¿es que acaso algo te está fallando allá arriba?
Dices que son tsunderes pero despues dices que se creen mejor que el otro, si son tsunderes es porque lo que dicen y piensan es distinto obviamente
Bueno si viniste al último capítulo para mi que "no lo soportas" pero lo sigues por que lo disfrutas.

psdt: Eso de siempre tildar al autor de virgen cuando ni sabes que tipo de vida tuvo dejaselos a los niños
Double-page supporter
Feb 24, 2019
@daywithoutgames you may also be the guy who created multiple accounts in MAL just to score the anime adaptation with multiple 1s. What a pathetic loser/hater.
May 3, 2018
@daywithoutgames you will see someone like this, just because the anime is getting famous they backlash it.
i'm going to say this Manga is not created for specifically you but for readers, If you don't like it don't BS it.
You lack proper etiquette as a proper human being.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2018
@Farmuth , i dont understand french language , or is it italian ? please use english . you must be agree with my post and praised me with compliments , right ?

about someone else : just because you can not counter my good , correct , solid , valid points about this manga , you resorted to insult me personally ? doing that wont make this manga better , and wont make my points less correct .
Dex-chan lover
Nov 21, 2019
y’all undergoing a metamorphosis from properly functioning individuals into screaming idiots with some new form of ego in these comments.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 25, 2020
Bro, if you hate this manga that bad, the door is right over here
Why would you drop a manga, then come back to hate on it later.

The control and be controlled thing is pretty obviously a joke, you're probably gonna respond it's not a funny one, but that's honestly you're own opinion, so don't pin it on others

Also, the "one who confesses first is the loser" thing is the whole plot of this manga, and one big joke, it's literally making fun of tsunderes.

Author is 31, and I'm not quite sure where you get the idea he's a pedophile, but I'm sure you didn't say that just because you couldn't find anything else bad to say

Also, if you think they're annoying and ugly, that is your personal opinion so keep it to yourself

Also, their personalities are plays on the tsundere trope. It's a joke.

If you can't stop yelling while reading this, I have a brilliant, well thought out, logical solution.


If you can't take these jokes, then don't read, because you're missing the entire point

Thank you for coming to my TED TALK

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