To all the people saying they dont like this because it's too ordinary for two extraordinary people, may I just say
1. I appreciate how, regardless of how amazing the people involved; seeing that all people go through the same nerve racking predicaments that come with early relationships is charming, and relatable in a good way.
2. Manga protagonist never actually get laid so while it's very ordinary compared to real life, it's not ordinary for any manga.
3. What, did you want both of them to go into inner monolog mode during the act.
President " all the studies I've read have told me foreplay should last at least 20 minutes to get her wet. Erogenous zones include neck, ears, butt, tits and the obvious. I'll attempt to spend 2 minutes on each. Then spend more time on the ones that have the biggest reaction."
Kaguya" oh no, I'm super wet already. I must get him hard fast. Should I take my shirt off. No! My studies have shown that men like undressing there woman."