"Our arrows block out the sun"
"Then we shall fight in the shade"
Okay, I wasn't expecting full Monty Python, which is a goofy death, but one that is tactical given the situation
If Total War has taught me anything, it's that you always go for the archers FIRST but whatever.
@LoneReaper115 I was wondering that too, but trying to heal someone in the middle of an active combat situation where you're the focus of a lot of fire, and that paired with the fact they're quite a ways away, means that logistically he's going to have some issues with that. Besides, his healing ability is so busted that it probably would work
@Kampfarsch It is but it's also undeniably going to draw Norn's attention given her rivalry with her. If you're making a scene, there's few things that will make it more impactful than having the most revered figure in the land make a dramatic entrance.