The saint Class: Saint isnt a support class, its a Healer.
Saint is literally just Priest but with 50 less skill points and a flat 50% efficacy boost on its spells. that is unless there are Harmonization quests to upgrade saint into Demigoddess and then Goddess. Frey likely has the same problem
Mysterious Orb: wait thats a fucking problem. its actually A-plot relevant that Frey has that item to hand. Where the fuck is the chaos orb?
Kent, Coco: Dont worry, youre part of the saint's party. Sharon will help you powerlevel later (Frey managed to figure this out without Sharon too) just in time for the wedding. Just remember therapy afterwards.
Guildmaster: sorry, but Sharon isnt going to admit shes a foreign princess and Ex-no-lifer. She barely admit Frey is her heterosexual life partner.
Merry Christmas Everyone!
Merry christmas.