For the first time, thanks to pocketloli scan for translate and upload this manga. Overall this manga was very good. Pls, continue this chapter until the end. ?
Mmmm...if my Japanese was better...I would seriously try to contact @GodricKharg. This manga is so up my alley with the art design and the amazingly large ta-ta's that it's hard for me to resist! Maybe I should look at the RAWs and see just how difficult the kanji is...
I have the next chapter, and two potential translators... it’s a matter of who gets me the next script...
That said, the next chapter is almost ready... I think it’s redraws and QC... and the proofreader likes to be a bit anal about flow and punctuation... which is his right...
@GodricKharg I am glad to hear that two translators have come up. 'Tis understandable about who does what.
I am in no hurry and would not want to rush anything, esp for redraws and QC. I totally understand about flow and punctuation, as when I translate (what little I know lol), I go for a more literal translation while still trying to keep proper English flow. If anything, I've been rather impressed with what the proofreader has shown in the chapters I've read thus far, and that's a pretty good feat as I'm rather anal as well. I just don't like to complain about it haha! Thanks for the heads up, though! \^_^/
Well... one of the ones that have shown up can only translate from the Korean RAWs... and apparently they stop around c20... regardless, here’s hoping for many more.
Yeah its good, I just knew the ride and the ending from some forum. the ending 100 times more better and more emotional than Samurai Harem(Asu no Yoichi) of course with some heavenly bazongas, oppai loli, and some furry stuff
I have another chapter already, but I have no idea how long it’ll be for the following one. The translator tends to be ostrich with its head in the sand... never know when he’s gonna pop his head out with how many scripts...