I have serious dislike for using bullet shape in magic as if it makes spell behave as bullet. By same logic MC could imagine nuclear bomb and drop it onto monster.
Other than that , quite fun chapter.
Likely has to do with the level of ease of mental imagery that a bullet has over something else.
My question is always, unless they specify it, why limit your cast range to be directly in front of you? Why not just make a fire or water ball inside a target's body to kill them instantly? That way you dont lite half of the god damn forest on fire.
@JavelinJoe most of the time, magic is the art of transforming your mana in to magic.
so to do that inside anothers body. you need to have your mana inside them.
and that is ether 1 hard to do. or 2 impossible as the body would just absorb your mana before you can transform it to magic.
Then you’re really going to like his solution to the problem
I’m not kidding. It does address the forest fire and waifu-rescue issue though.
Here’s the scene with gratuitous catgirl rump:
@welcome2atlantis : they would if there was a valuable part next to the stomach, let alone one the stomach itself, since they are likely to notice something large in there while disassembling the mob. You do not check the stomach for a living being, but undigested parts that could have been eaten and but still be of value.
@Sep10trion : interesting link, I probably should not have clicked it, since now there are a few panels I really want to know what is being said
particularly the other 3's stats in ch 7, and a couple other panels there, line the one with the stakes, but looks like the jerk is haming up it with no end
Only thing I didnt like is how big the numbers are for the stats. Starting at 100 for lv1, why not 1 or 10 instead? Feels like soon enough this gonna be 999.999.999.