"some character literally named Generick"
I'm 99.99% done in dropping this series.
I like this slightly more than the another similar series "
Suppose a Kid from the Last Dungeon Boonies Moved to a Starter Town" (I'll shorten to LasDan). Same OP + dense protagonist, and from him mentioning his village, his whole village is probably high-level too. It even has somewhat similar female harem members (some noble who was also cursed). The only differences are is that LasDan's protagonist can fight, and this series also combined the "the party kicked me out and doesn't appreciate my skills, and now they regret it" trend. Btw,
Banished from the Hero's Party is still the best out of that "genre" IMO.
But yeah, them not telling him the truth of his true ability got annoying real fast and is the cause of me dropping this. That, and I feel like it's betraying his trust, even if I understand having absolutely GODLY skills is an issue of national security. Real homies would let you know if you're doing good or bad. And he's acting like that in the first place because his old party didn't praise him at all, geez.