"Amakami, Yume Mitai Kursu, Doki Doki Momento, Heartlock Boyfriend and Little Dusters, But I also like mystery stuff like Doki Doki Murder Mystery Club and Courthouse Ace series! For RPGS I've played Nier; Locomotive, Gokudou 7, Shin Megami Sensei... Oh and some strategy stuff like Sengoku Ranch, Dragon Emblem..." (Page 28)
From what I've seen the references are:"Stuff like... Guilty Blood?" (Page 29)
Looking at this again, you could also say Guilty Blood is a reference to Melty Blood.Guilty Gear"Stuff like... Guilty Blood?" (Page 29)
From what I've seen the references are:
Amagami, Yume Nikki, Little Busters, Doki Doki Literature Club, Ace Attorney, Nier;Automata, Shin Megami Tensei, Sengoku Rance, Fire Emblem, and Guilty Gear. There's still a few I couldn't remember though.
Nice first chapter.