Kanojo ga Senpai ni NTR-reta node, Senpai no Kanojo wo NTR-masu

Dex-chan lover
May 24, 2023
Pretty mediocre story. But still enjoyable.

Nakazaki was a god damn idiot. His girlfriend had the worst excuse ever.

Can anyone spoil how the story progress in the light novels?
Group Leader
Jun 24, 2018
Nevermind chapters, the series as a whole could've wrapped up so much better with just a few more pages. For an adaptation of just one part of a LN though, this manga was honestly a great short read. Thanks for the translations!
Apr 11, 2024
A really shiity NTR story with pathetic betaish half asses boring revenge (the cheaters get called out in public and dumped but that's literally it after everything that they went thru). Then of course ending leading to something good but both fmc and mc go full coward mode at last minute and leaves readers with yet another f-you aint nothing gonna happen cause mc is a makeshift japanese beta bia incel/otaku self insert character in his 20's and the fmc is supposably going to wait till she gets married to have sex despite already in her 20s.... that and just pointing out she is going to get cheated on again most likely with that dumbass idea cause that may have been cool back in 1900's but ain't no dude that's not a jap loser on his way to either waiting till then or dying a perma-virgin going to go without sex for a year plus.
Apr 11, 2024
I absolutely hate NTR and cheating and I actually like this manga. As long as they don't start handing the cheaters W's to extend the revenge i think it will go good.

Thats why the manga ended her while the LN just gets shittier and worst and tries to make us feel good for the cheaters blah blah.... what do you expect from a country of beta cowardly losers who most popular fetish is literally being cucked and they are so pathetic they don't even attempt to hide it.
Apr 11, 2024
Talk about a shitty ending especially for the mc... at the end of the day he god straight up NtR hyper cucked and ended up breaking up and got absolutely nothing in return except extreme disappointment and blue balls. The author really went and fucking dropped the ball on that one. I mean whoopty fuckin doo the cheaters got called out in public but it does nothing cause the cheaters are still good looking and desired they might have a brief moment of regret but within 2 days they will be right back to what they were doing like nothing ever happened and nothing learned nothing lost not really. While the fmc gets her satisfying revenge and not having to be with a cheater and yea some regret but the mc basically had a dump truck full of shit poured on him... he got to break up but had to suffer thru 2-3 months playing nice knowing his chick was constantly getting railed by some other dude and not only lying to his face but crying to him when he did her wrong. He got NOTHING as a reward for being a dumb ass simp and playing along with the fmc game that benefitted nobody but her. She couldn't even no she didn't even consider so much and giving the dude a handy or worst even a kiss just said sorry I lied to you on top of everything else I made you suffer thru because he was stupid enough to hardcore simps over her from the start and do any and everything she wanted without question... its no wonder his loser ass got cheated on.
Apr 11, 2024
That ending was mid tbh, all that anticipation for something so bland. I wasn't expecting them to smash or anythin', I would've actually been disappointed if their values were so shallow, but they could've at least gone out with each other. Also, fuck was up with Nakazaki? Dude got cheated on (she cheated with his BEST FRIEND), confronts his girlfriend with no hostility and she basically says, "BuT i WaS lOnElY" and he hugs her and forgives her. If she was lonely, she could've just talked to him and just said, "Yo, stop spending so much time being a mediator for your classmates and give me a little more attention." But nooooooo, her first choice to get rid of her loneliness was to cheat on dude with his best friend. And I know neither of them knew that they were someone important to Nakazaki, but it would still crush me if I was him. And all she does is give a shitty excuse and he forgives her?????? SIMP!!!!!
Yea that was a crock of shit she basically pulled what most cheating whores pull to get away with it and that world class simp loser bought it hook like and sinker while in her head and she fake cries think yeses he is stupider than I thought.
Apr 11, 2024
The way the last panel is written, it sounds like a continuation will happen? The ending ruined the series, to be honest. The planning was so great, but the executation of the revelation was really mid tier...

@Usepi well, Nakazaki is such a good guy, evidently. Because he is acting as a mediator he sees his shortcomings and also the fault with his best friend - I mean... Tetsuya came onto EVERY woman in the club, it seems... Nakazaki chose the path of forgiveness and starting anew which is also very honorable and may be the harder path to take.
No it's the im a pussy route... you don't forgive someone for that cause now the dude sees you as a stupid easy target ans you have essentially given the girl a cheat all you want life time pass..
Jul 15, 2023
After reading the comments decided not to read this.
Summary: Typical all forgiving yesman MC, after being screwed he doesn't pummel someones face OR completely cut out from his life those who betrayed him but decides to play a game which doesn't give him anything.
Some commentators write about being virgin and being blue balled. I don't know about his preference (the girl he is taking revenge with) but i would rather stay blue balled than engage with someone who i not fancy. (Though is is coming from a guy over his teenage years i.e. i don't have 24/7 hardon for everything that moves.)

I expected as much but thanks for the comments i averted this trash. I'm too old to read stupid and childish moves and mistakes, it would simply eat my brain out reading it. There is always an option to simply throw everything away and say face to face (this one is optional) "fuck you, cheating wh^re" and become the best person you can be to spite them. <-- Much more satisfying rather than sneaking about and doing stupid stuff. If you are married of course it's a bit different you have to endure a bit and gather evidence to own your cheating spouse in court. (In Japan you can sue your cheating spouse and demand compensation and if she/he used YOUR money she/he must return in full amount though for that you need extensive proof).

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