I've been working on this for a while. Before I uploaded chapter 83, I had probably finished up to chapter 91. I just wanted to allow time between chapters for people to read and discuss before moving on to the next one. I am currently finishing up chapters 97 and 98 as we speak.You are just flying through the raws. Thanks for the TL!
Like he said it wasn't his choice if they broke up, If you can recall he had gone back to Kaori after she broke up with him, but Kaori still rejected him. Besides, it's not like he has been having an affair with her all this time..."are you really gonna break up with her?" Did he not just make that abundantly clear by giving you a limp? Iconic really, a girl as dim as the average self-insert protag.
Oh yeah, this right here is a red flag..I’m sorry son but bitch ate your ramen, she’s not good
I'm pretty sure he already told her that before they fucked"are you really gonna break up with her?" Did he not just make that abundantly clear by giving you a limp? Iconic really, a girl as dim as the average self-insert protag.
I'm on Yoshioka-san's side,
so I want them to stay together like this.
Yoshioka-san is definitely better than Kaori.
どう考えても吉岡さん一択だろ! 早くやれ
No matter how you look at it, Yoshioka-san is the only choice! Hurry up and do it!
That's the shitty Glasses I know!
第2ラウンド来る! ?
Is Round 2 coming! ?
I'm looking forward to the next one!
Damn Glasses.
Yoshioka-san was the only choice from the start.
That's the way it should be, Glasses.
Glasses-kun, already changing jobs after today?
You went from doctor to kept man.
Even in the cold weather, Yoshioka-san in just her underwear was the best!
They're kissing on the balcony,
and even though they seem like they're about to become celebrities, I wonder if they'll be okay.
I read it for free on Yanmaga Web, but it's lonely without comments, so I came to read it using points.
Damn Glasses, you're not bad.
As expected, Yoshioka-san is the strongest. And Glasses, just keep doing your thing.
Best Glasses ever, hurry up and do the next one!
He's the undisputed number one trash in the whole world. No need to hesitate, just keep doing it. Trashy, damn Glasses.
Damn Glasses, the best and the worst, lol.
いったい何回ヤればメガネのメガネは静まるのだ? 腰もヘロヘロになりそうなのに若さなのか乾くヒマもなければミルクも毎回搾りたて... 吉岡だけじゃなくメガネも業界に入れば売れっ子になれるんじゃないか? 知らんけど。
How many times does he have to do it for Glasses's 'glasses' to calm down? Even though his waist might give out, maybe it's because of youth. There's no time to dry off, and the milk is always fresh... Maybe not just Yoshioka, but Glasses could make it big in the industry too? I don't know, though.
This glasses guy has no morals, it's hilarious.
Yoshioka-san doesn't get fired up unless it's someone else's thing, so I wonder how it'll turn out?
Hurry up and get messed with by some flashy yankee or something. Please destroy this glasses guy's dignity.
Because NTR is peak.Why do I keep reading this shit lol
You misspelled "dog shit" sirBecause NTR is peak.