⚠️This post was made using MTL, so keep that in mind while reading. The purpose is to provide the MangaDex community with some insight into Japanese audience opinions—not to fish for internet points. So, please refrain from giving a 'like' or any other reaction. ⚠️
Here are some comments from the Japanese public on the Weekly Shōnen Magazine app:
Sorry. I want to see Yoshioka-san.
I understand even less and less what the AV arc means.
Is it... foreshadowing Kaori-san’s future path?
A house that keeps a chainsaw on hand, what do they usually use it for?
Even though Kaori-san is this depressed, that glasses guy just shamelessly doing his thing. Seriously?
回想シーンだとしたら、この回想シーンって必要なのかな! ?
I’m not really sure about the timeline...
If this is a flashback scene, is it even necessary?
It’s not interesting at all.
A lot of people are misunderstanding, but this is a flashback from after they broke up, it's a past arc.
If you look closely at the doorknob, there's no key in it at all.
It could be a privacy doorknob, as they usually have a twist or button lock that works from only one side.
So, there was no key to begin with?
カオリママがGTO鬼塚化した! つーか鍵空いてるかいwww
Kaori's mom turned into GTO Onizuka! Wait, is the door unlocked? LOL
GTO: Great Teacher Onizuka
Meet Eikichi Onizuka, a 22-year-old ex-biker. He's crude, foul-mouthed, and has a split-second temper. His unlikely goal: to be the Greatest High School Teacher in the World! Of course, the only reason he wants to be a teacher is so he can try to score with the hot students… Before he can become a full instructor, he's got to work as a student teacher to earn his credentials. Onizuka may think he's the toughest guy on campus, but when he meets his class full of bullies, blackmailers, and scheming sadists, he'll have to prove it.
It’s not Friday, Jason!
今回は外れ回か... ポイント損した気分
Looks like this is a filler episode... I feel like I lost some points.
At this point, I have no idea what they’re trying to do, but it’s really falling flat.
There’s no key, huh... lol
アレ? カオリの進路云々は済んだハナシでは?
Huh? Wasn’t Kaori’s future path already settled?
The whole AV production thing, depending on how it goes, she might end up as an actress...
え? いやいや...
Huh? No, no...
Why did they mess up the timeline like this?
What was the AV arc even for?????
Also, regular households don’t have chainsaws, and they should’ve called a locksmith before breaking down the door!
It’s all good, I’m sure by the final episode, Kaori will end up happy.
And I can totally see that perverted, creepy glasses guy getting what’s coming to him.
They’re really losing their way, huh?
Actually, it’s pretty funny, huh?
Thanks for the chapter!