Kanojo, Okarishimasu - Vol. 8 Ch. 66

Jan 26, 2018
Thank you very much for catching us up, /a/non. (^_^) It was bugging me more than I realized to see the raws and then have to wait for translation.


This chapter reminds me why we were told not to worry too much about bad calls by the umpire in baseball -- generally speaking, they even out over time.

Personally, I think Kazuya richly deserves for her to jump to the worst conclusion, because that's generally how he acts. But even setting that aside, this would still be completely fair.

Consider how many times she's given him the benefit of the doubt when he didn't deserve it, and/or when a sane woman would be calling the police. You can't have all the bad calls go in your favor.


At an even-greater risk of summoning the r/niceguys Rage Brigade, Ruka/Kazuya reminds me of what Takahashi Rumiko said about Ranma and Akane (Ranma 1/2): They're the only two in the whole series who have any sort of real relationship.

Kazuya doesn't have a relationship with Chizuru... he has a figurine on a pedestal. For better or worse, Kazuya does have the beginnings of a relationship with Ruka (talking with her instead of treating her like an object). But then again, I wouldn't bet heavily on him continuing to act like a decent human instead of a detachable penis.


I think I've finally figured out what my trigger will be for ragequitting the series: It'll be when Ruka suddenly realizes she loved Kazuya's token sidekick after all.
Apr 25, 2018
time after time the manga droped so much rate.. i do like the style but not the story too lol..
May 10, 2018
Jesus people , get off his back already . MC has been making nothing but the best choices for the situation for the past 10 chapters. He should have btfo'ed the highschool girl already but there is still some time for that and she is a jealousy device for main girl at this point anyway.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 4, 2018

The best choice would be to a) tell Mizuhara about storm problem with Ruka b) ask Mizuhara to let Ruka stay overnight at her place.
And even after that he should be more forcefull with explanation if he cared. HE is not desperate enough ;P
Though Im not going to hate on this manga.
Jan 18, 2018
the trainwrecks never stop...? ? ?

gotta enjoy the salt while it lasted...
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
...did sumi just had a character development off-screen or something?
she doesn't seems as shy as before
Group Leader
Jun 26, 2018
Everyone bashes the main character, but he's become someone who can stand his grounds for his beliefs. Instead of sleeping with any cute girls that approaches him, he takes the matters seriously and doesn't sleep with her just because he's horny, plus he turned her down in a manner that didn't make her feel disliked. If anything, this guy has his morals set straight, plus he told the truth to Mizuhara, which is another good thing to do, even if she didn't believe him.

I seriously can't understand why everyone hates the mc so much, he started out as a piece of shit but it was clear the goal was to make him grow up as the series went along, which is precisely what's happening. For someone who hired a rental girlfriend and vented his frustrations out on her because he felt dejected, being able to turn down someone he doesn't love so that on't hinder his relationship with the one he does is a very commendable act of integrity!
Jan 26, 2018
Jesus people , get off his back already . MC has been making nothing but the best choices

(not a spoiler, just an image)

Wow. That's a brutal parody of our resident r/niceguys.

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