Kanzen Kaihi Healer no Kiseki

Dex-chan lover
Apr 28, 2019
min-maxin a single stat on RO isnt always the way to go... you gotta pair your stats with your skills... thats how i made a sin-x from a super fast close combatant into a mid ranged 1hit killer evasion tank... other than the boss, it could tank everything else in cursed monastery...
Mar 15, 2018
I don't think you read my comments at all... I get it, defense will reduce damage taken, evasion will reduce the number of hits taken; I've played RPGs before and never has there ever been an instance where evasion is perfect like this. Ever. First off, usually, games take your level vs the monster's level and your stats vs the monster's stats into account so even if you could reach a limit of max evasion for one monster, another may only be minimal at best because the difference in levels, stats or both are hugely different. Second, there are always instances where attacks ignore evasion; most of those from my experience come via AoE (area of effect) attacks or attacks designed specifically for ignoring evasion altogether. And this would likely apply to him as well. Let's take the scenario of a tidal wave; is he going to evade that too? Maybe he'll just fly in the air and wait till it recedes in the same stupid way that he automatically avoids attacks... And on that note, that's just fucking dumb. He evades attacks without even trying? So if I pump all my stats into intelligence, does information just automatically download into my brain when someone asks me something I don't know or when I want to know something I don't know about? You know... to make me intelligent? Lastly, even with an evasion tank, you still need a healer... a separate healer. Eventually, the evasion tank will take a hit, but if the tank is the sole healer and can't heal, how is he supposed to heal?

"so its really a good idea to put it on evasion than def because at def u would still take dmg maybe it ill be only 1 dmg but there is still dmg while on evasion its 0" Your logic is broken. While that makes some sense, your argument suggest that defense tanks would never reach the limit of perfect defense (taking 0 damage) while an evasion tank would (100% evasion). In what world's logic would this be possible except in a shit isekai with a broken premise?

Overall, the author is an idiot. The premise, with some "realistic" tweaking could make it a decent story, but in reality, this sounds more like the ramblings of an idiot who when told his ideas don't work refuses to acknowledge that maybe just maybe, he doesn't know what the fuck he is talking about.
Sep 7, 2018
you've obviously never played D&D.
some regular characters with the right evasion skills can dodge fireballs. Yes some spells don't give a reflex check but MC hasn't encountered anything like that yet.

In this world the highest stats are like 50 right? ( I don't remember what they said)

But him being at 100 is godly OP as isekais are. so this mechanic is totally believable in an isekai world. Even in D&D if you had a character with stats like this you could do insane things. I once had a character with 90 strength so basically he could technically lift up an entire town of the ground.

so yes if he had a 100 dex, his armor class would be so high that nothing would hit him and his reflex saving through would dodge any aoe spells.
Jun 22, 2018
tbh all he'd have to do is say his recovery stat is 100 and that would literally solve all his issues.
Fed-Kun's army
May 3, 2018
There should be stats that increase accuracy and luck which do critical hit that never miss! High eva still depend on rng since any number of enemy's acc stat still increase their chances to hit

If it were me, if i should choose one stat to put all my SP and i was happen to be a healer with recovery stat already maxed, i would max VIT! (assume you don't need particular stat that affect your ability accuracy and effectiveness which is dex/agi and int) Healing skill usually recover percentage of hp, say never to die..
Dex-chan lover
Mar 12, 2018
It angers me so much that he never says that he has good healing. If he just said: I have good healing and good evasion, the people will stop find him totally useless. But no, manga logic.
Jan 23, 2018
Basically, he's an idiot. He has more than enough healing to sell that ss his strong point, but he always chooses to point out the thing he knows will make other people not want to party with him. And instead of saving his evasion as a trump card, he openly flaunts it. I mean, sure, high evasion is good. But it's better not to reveal that to others.
Jul 24, 2019
I would do the same just for the fuck of it :D
But I would at least balance it a bit out like putting a bit in strenght
Dex-chan lover
Aug 3, 2019
It's like going to a sex party and said "Hey guys I have std" and wonders why everyone is avoiding him, despite having a big dick.

I mean, the std should be a bonus and you should flaunt that you have a massive cock or something
Mar 23, 2018
Well.. Japanese ShitSekai.. what you expect?

-Retard MC
-No Dick MC
-Naive MC
-Deus Ex Machina plot.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 27, 2018
MC's problem is that he forgot to put any points into intelligence.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018
I'd like to believe the author is subtlety insulting the reader. The author want to create a relatable character for the reader, so he create a dumb shit character because he believe only a dumb shit will read isekai manga like this....
Apr 3, 2019
im Not even gonna bother writing how this is shit. It’s an isekai, I should have known better than to click on braindead shit like this.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 16, 2019
uh.. pure evasion is a meme build at best unless the game you're playing has no balance mechanism like eva cap, evasion down,evasion lock, negative field effect, or non-accuracy-dependent attack, and etc. I don't understand why this MC thinks pure eva is good despite him being painted as a gamer, heck, he haven't even entered the tutorial guide yet, stats weighting and other things aside, he has no idea how things work in that world.

I hope he gets hit at least once by sure-hit skill, or field DoT and got fatally wounded that he's traumatized, but it seems unlikely since the author looks like he's trying to make his dumb delusion comes true . His eva will probably allow him to dodge anything.

I wonder if there's an in-depth explanation for it in the novel.

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