Kaoru Hana wa Rin to Saku - Vol. 3 Ch. 15 - A Cool Dude

Dex-chan lover
Jan 9, 2024
When I saw that panel with him still having both his hands on his backpack, I knew something was up. Sleeper brawler build
Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2023
Seems like every day some new degenerate with delusions of adequacy needs something really obvious and fundamental explained to them, and quite often it is the same thing repeated ad nauseum. So here we go again:

I am not psychic. I do not have precognition. I cannot know that I will dislike something if I haven't even experienced it yet. Experience is a non-negotiable prerequisite to having informed opinions. Learning that I disliked it came AFTER reading at least this much of it, and that order of events cannot be reversed. If I hadn't read any of it then I wouldn't have any opinion of it, and therefore wouldn't have any reason not to try it.

Is there any part of that which is even remotely unclear to you now? Or do you need an even more in-depth and ultra patronising explanation about how cause and effect work?
brah that's what the freaking tags that describe the manga are for. yeah you might ot have know wether or not there would be up your alley for a romance but the show doesn't have an action tag there will be no action that you will see what's there to not understand? tags are there for a reason so that you know what to expect from the series. wether it will be up your ally can only come AFTER you know what the general things will and will not be in the manga.

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