Karate Baka Isekai - Ch. 10.2

Fed-Kun's army
Apr 26, 2020
My only problem with this series is that its specificaly karate even though it could be any martial art
Why couldnt it be GLIMA or perhaps HEMA maybe even Boxing

Like wouldnt it be alot more menacing with a towering scandinavian man grappling men in armor and crushing and throwing them like cans

Or maybe a national champion swordmaster in several forms of swordsmanship already being isekaid

Or maybe even sumo, idk
My point is that karate being "the ultimate martial art" has been done to death and im tired of it

Well thats dissapointing!
Why cant we get the cool karate?

I know its karate cuz it appeals to the japanese audience better and all its just that i always see people use karate as the go to martial art and i really think other martial arts should get some love too
Also, i absolutely agree that katanas being "the best sword" is dumb and should really stop
I also sometimes seen characters praising how katanas are traditionally made even though it really wasnt THAT good
Active member
Feb 3, 2018
Karate itself is a varied system with weapons, locks, grappling moves, killing techniques, etc. as it was practiced in Okinawa. Instead, all we ever get is the sanitized version for export (first to mainland Japan then to the rest of the world).
Dex-chan lover
Nov 17, 2018
1) Glad to see this again, thanks for picking it up Graviity!
2) Bahahahaha, all the magic in the world won't save you if you are too arrogant and don't use it quickly, letting a martial artist close the distance like that! XD
3) Kanzakill is 100% correct. The entire storyline of the Satsujin/Ansatsuken styles in Street Fighter (including Ken & Ryu's styles under Gouken, even with his attempt to remove the killing intent at the core of such) are all about the more deadly forms of Karate, meant for killing, rather than the karate that has been strictly codified and sanitized for mass distribution as a sport/exercise to the masses in dojos today.
Double-page supporter
Jan 18, 2018
@SuperOniichan it might be influenced more by kyokushin karate rather than modern Olympic karate as the roots with manga influence thrown into it obviously haha

Kyokushin karate is full contact with philosophy based on self improvement, discipline and hard training. The founder Mas Oyama basically went out looking for fights against US military, police and the like to improve his skills and trained in isolation in the mountains. Ryu from Street Fighter is said to be based on him haha.

To me the premise is original, MC is almost superhuman, gets hurt, but other than that is using karate without any stuff like fireballs or energy blasts and the like, and can't fly or have item or analyse special skills haha
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2018
@Serafita Well, I generally don't mind, it's just that recently authors have simply been using karate as a universal martial art, ignoring its philosophy or context of use.
Active member
Mar 30, 2018

I don't think this is about karate being the end-all-be-all. This is just a about someone who's devoted his life to something, to the point that other's (rightly) think he's idiotic.

It's not that karate is the strongest/ultimate.

Just that the karate idiot is the strongest.

Like you said, it could have been any martial art. But karate is familiar to a wider target audience. It's a japanese manga.
Who the heck knows what glima or HEMA is unless you've already researched it?

And personally, I haven't seen a lot of karate isekai. I've seen a ton of swordmaster isekai tho, and feel like that is much more severely overdone.

Maybe some FMA espada y daga or something instead, idk
My point is that katana being "the ultimate cutting weapon" has been done to death and im tired of it
Feb 9, 2019
=o this is going to be an epic fight!!!!

mc: hold my beer, ill end it in a couple panels

Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2019
illustration of why shouting your charge-up attacks while in the middle of battle is stupid
Dec 21, 2019
Isekai heroes are usually worthless schmucks in their previous lives so what if we took someone with bottomless self discipline and physical toughness and put him in the same fantasy world?
Jan 10, 2020
Karate boy cheated. Didn't wait for the other guy to shout his move, nor did he say anything before punching.
Aggregator gang
Apr 26, 2018
Mage vs Karateka PvP.
Stupid player of course the mage will lose

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