It was less that and more that she was silently struggling for a long time and didn’t realize she was closing herself off to her partner. Her ex felt jealous and, like humans do, made an emotional decision to end things so that she could overcome her issues since she knew if she stayed she’d be stuck in a small town where everything was tearing at her in two directions instead of having the space to grow and find her new self.I kind of knew this couldn't go too well since it is a flashback arc, but Haruka definitely seemed to be doing quite well for herself in this chapter. The casual sitting in bed naked and chatting after doing the deed seemed like she was in a good place. She was all set to be well adjusted and accepting of herself. And that was breaking my immersion because this didn't mesh well with the sort of hot mess she becomes...
But it all came crashing down because her lover wanted to make her keep a promise to meet up with an old friend once? Wtf? There's no need to turn it into a bad breakup + marry someone else just to force this situation. Just take a weekend trip to Tokyo.
Hey is Asako good? It’s been staring at me from my “plan to read” list for a while now.Thanks for the translation.
Asako new chapter, now this one, this is a good evening.
I like it a lot. It's well written, the author really manages to have the characters act their age, and all seem very realistic and natural to me. They are imperfect, sometimes annoying, sometimes weird, and for most of them a bit lost. It's a very adult manga, but to me not unnecessarily edgy.Hey is Asako good? It’s been staring at me from my “plan to read” list for a while now.
It's more than 50 pages per chapter and they put a lot of effort into both the translation itself and the editing. It's a very non trivial amount of work to put together a scanlation that looks like this.This gets better and better each chapter.
But damn
The upload time is abysmal