Kasane to Subaru - Ch. 23

Dex-chan lover
Mar 10, 2019
Poor guy has such self-esteem issues. It's hard navigating life always in doubt and anxious. People like Subaru are really a godsend.
Aggregator gang
Apr 1, 2023
I don't think we have ever seen Kasane this excited about something, it's just so fun and endearing to see her like this lmao.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 19, 2020
What the ML did in the end of the chapter was sooo fucking disrespectful wtf is wrong with him 😭 😭 😭
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
It's really funny and ironic to see how people react to insecurities and anxiety depending on the gender loll

Asako (FemC from Kinestsu-sensei previous work) was exactly like this for the first, like what? 40 chapters?

But because it showed how she was and reacted to different situations, you could clearly see a difference in her character by the end of the series

So I think this story is doing something very similar loll
Dex-chan lover
Mar 23, 2023
Man Japan work culture sucks, that grumpy guy was right. Being obligated to go to a drinking party to keep discussing work off the clock is BS.
This entire argument felt completely bizarre to me. Like... They need to consult this guy about his knowledge of the source material in order to complete this work project in a good way. That is work stuff. They are working. WHY DON'T THEY JUST SCHEDULE A MEETING DURING WORK HOURS?! WHY DO THEY GOTTA GET DRUNK WHILE THEY'RE WORKING?! He's like, I don't want to waste my free time and money, and also, I'm unprepared so it won't be helpful for you. SCHEDULE A MEETING DURING WORK HOURS THE DAY AFTER NEXT, PREPARE A PRESENTATION TOMORROW AND THEN PRESENT IT, ALL PROBLEMS SOLVED. I mean, that's how we do it where I work, but I dunno, maybe I'm the weird one.

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