Yeah, this manga really fell off for me. It started out okay, but everything from chapter 40 or so and onwards felt so overly dramatic. I am by no means against drama, but in my opinion drama should be grounded and realistic. This shit was so contrived for the plot at all points it was unreal.
The "character progression" was non existent. Every action they took was to further the plot, not to address their personalities or flaws and grow together.
Who in their right minds hears about their partners father wanting them to move back to their hometown, and instead of talking to their partner, uses all of their saved vacation days to: go across the country on their own, stay at their partners family home who they've met once with no warning, leave only a note to let their partner know where they are, and then ACTIVELY tell their partner to not get in contact?? That is so wildly self centered and overdramatic. The characters weren't 'characters'. They were so inconsistent with how they reacted to situations they may as well have been three different personalities bundled into one.
I want to see situations and stories born from characters. Not characters being shaped and morphed and flipping into different personalities to push a story to a specified ending. If someone asks me about the main character in a story, I should have a concrete idea of who that person is after 100 chapters. I couldn't tell you jack shit about this MC other than that he has a cat, fluffy hair and was born in the country side. Motivations? Values? Likes? Dislikes? Mannerisms? Nothing. Very underwhelmed.