@artyom It is happier than most chapter-endings, but just imagine that at some point, a single otter entered the building. And the otter that left the building just learned, that he/she is a deteriorated "watered down" version of the original, cloned so many times, that they forgot their origin, the floors they already entered, etc.
How often have they explored the same floors again and again, are some of the monsters old clones that were captured by the floor? Are the warning messages from their old clones and they do not know about that? How long has it been, since the original entered the building? How many others have they sacrificed to survive?
Yes, one clone has escaped the circle, knowing that his/her other selfs are still on their sisyphos-like oddyssey. And who knows how many clones escaped before? Who knows whether the clones can actually exist outside of the building?
So many questions!