I have a few thoughts on this chapter.
1. Honestly I don't think she can ever truly redeem herself for how she treated the MC, like has been said she specifically only realised that she was wrong post his supposed death.
2. She had a sword against the Son's neck to the point of drawing blood, the assassin move was incredibly stupid cause she should (not could) have killed him the second the glass broke. Especially when you consider the dodge action she took, for that matter it's amazing the assassins didn't kill the hostage either.
3. I don't understand how the PM's son thinks its any different to force a woman with the rapey time and imprisoning her and forcing her over time (Probably with some kind of brainwashing) to rape her?!?
4. The WN has the polygamy, harem tags so careful on that going forward. I've had a a bad feeling they'll reunited the toxic ex as a harem member

5. No guards (or a maid) watching over the hostages room and is unlocked? For pretty competent schemers they really screwed the pooch on that and I find that very hard to believe.
6. They are really trying their best to show the childhood friend is repenting but what she did would permenently scar a persons mental health, which is another point of annoyance for this series cause the MC seems pretty fine after he leaves.