Kichiku Eiyuu - Vol. 3 Ch. 17 - Helena

Dec 16, 2019
Long ago...
Just like the Hearse you die to get in again~
We are so far from you...
Just like the match you strike to incinerate~~!!
The lives of everyone you know~~
Feb 1, 2023
I understand this is a porn/comedy manga but I still can't decide whether to mentally file it as "porn with comedy bits" or "comedy with porn bits". Definitely approaching Oglaf territory here :dogkek:
Dex-chan lover
Apr 26, 2020
do you have a capable brain? look at the title kichiku eiyuu=savage Hero, look he is an incubus who comes from hell he is not human anymore Underline Incubus and Savage Hero brothers, don't embarrass yourself
The fuck does that have to do with pride? Go fuck yourself cocksucker.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 3, 2019
She's so cute!

What a lovely fat ass, too!
He should educate her poop-chute, and see what kind of power she gets from that; for science, obviously.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 3, 2019
To me, a petite girl with flat chest isn't that different from a prepubescent girl.
Aka, it basically seems like a pedo to me.
Tell me you know nothing about women, without telling me you know nothing about women.

You're a fucking idiot.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 3, 2019
So, you are saying that if say you flirt with your girlfriend in public who has a petite figure and looks childish (even-though she is of legal age), people around won't call the cops on you thinking you were a pedo because it seemed to them like you were flirting with a teenager.
Especially in the current societal situation?
Lemme speak for those of us who have had a girlfriend before:

No; no, they wont.

The most you get is some old lady, might ask how old she is... to which you say "I like 'em young," just to blow the old blue-hair's mind.
It's even more funny when they are pregnant, and you can say something along the lines of it being your second child.

But calling you a pedo to your face? Maybe if they're a 17-year-old introvert with no self preservation; because you will,  will, get punched in the fucking face (Not by me; I dont punch people!).
But, most people will react badly, and often violently, to that kind of serious verbal and social assault; that's largely why your, frankly, fucking ridiculous fantasy doesn't happen.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2023
Regarding adult pettanko body types, it's slightly more complicated because it's always because they hate slim, attractive, petite characters due to the body positivity movement, but at the same time also hate large breasted slim, attractive, petite girls for the same reason.
This seems like projection. Most of the body pos folks I've known are 100% ok with -- and often very appreciative of -- conventionally attractive female bodies, whether thicc, thin, or in between. But perhaps that's just me...
Dex-chan lover
Dec 29, 2019
This seems like projection. Most of the body pos folks I've known are 100% ok with -- and often very appreciative of -- conventionally attractive female bodies, whether thicc, thin, or in between. But perhaps that's just me...

I'm not overweight, unhealthy, or anything of the sort. I don't hate any body type either, which is why my comment calls out the many insecure people that do. In otherwords, that's not really how projection works. I'm sorry if you were offended by my easily recognizable (to anyone living in the current year) observations of reality, but with all due respect, I'm not interested in your specific anecdotal experiences with regards to the "folks you've known." Good for you if your friends aren't toxic. That clearly means I'm not talking about your friends... However, this is essentially the point of view you'll find in most online spaces regarding body positivity and anyone paying attention is well versed with people like this.

It is so pervasive of a stance that even random mainstream brands like Dove have created bizarre hitpieces outright shaming attractive video game characters, as well as the people who like them, and re-imagining them as obese or disabled to fight "objectivity" and "sexism." Feel free to look it up yourself. They still have their article up, because many people actually do think like this, and still do. This is just one singular example among countless others and I bring it up to illustrate that nonsense like this doesn't get mainstream affirmation if nobody shares the same opinion. It's real, and it's been gaining traction like this for over a decade. Exceptions exist within any generalization. This is common sense and you should assume as such. Again, if this description doesn't apply to your merry band of big-boned friends, good for you, but they are not the people I'm referring to in my comment, do not imply the norm, and therefore doesn't mean you should insult me out of ignorance simply for pointing it out.
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Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2023
Are you sure you know what that word means? What exactly am I "projecting" here? I'm not overweight, unhealthy, or anything of the sort. There's no need for me personally to project here. I'm sorry if you were offended by my easily verifiable and not at all out of the ordinary observations of reality, especially given we're in 2023, but I'm not really interested in your specific anecdotal experiences with regards to the "folks you've known." This is essentially the point of view you'll find in most online spaces and anyone paying attention is well versed with people like this. Exceptions exist within any generalization. This is common sense and you should assume as such. If this description doesn't apply to your merry band of big-boned friends, good for you, but that doesn't imply the norm, nor does it mean I'm projecting anything.
You're projecting your own feelings about the primary cause of contemporary suspicion of / distaste for "slim, attractive, petite characters" onto those who express the latter views. The primary impetus, so far as I can see, is not the messages promulgated by the body positivity movement, but rather a heightened awareness and the resulting anxiety (at times verging on paranoia) about child sexual abuse. That's precisely what occasioned the debate itt, for example...

And neither of our views are truly "verifiable" in any objective sense. I've seen no convincing, large scale, peer-reviewed studies of the phenomena in question. I'm therefore afraid you'll have to accept my subjective opinions and anecdotal observations in the same spirit that I accept yours: skeptically, but with an open mind.

For what it's worth, I've voiced no opinion regarding the merits of the body positivity movement itself. I'm speaking here only about why so many people now express moral distaste for representations of the body type in question.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 29, 2019
You're projecting your own feelings about the primary cause of contemporary suspicion of / distaste for "slim, attractive, petite characters" onto those who express the latter views. The primary impetus, so far as I can see, is not the messages promulgated by the body positivity movement, but rather a heightened awareness and the resulting anxiety (at times verging on paranoia) about child sexual abuse. That's precisely what occasioned the debate itt, for example...

And neither of our views are truly "verifiable" in any objective sense. I've seen no convincing, large scale, peer-reviewed studies of the phenomena in question. I'm therefore afraid you'll have to accept my subjective opinions and anecdotal observations in the same spirit that I accept yours: skeptically, but with an open mind.

For what it's worth, I've voiced no opinion regarding the merits of the body positivity movement itself. I'm speaking here only about why so many people now express moral distaste for representations of the body type in question.

It's not projection if I'm referring to a very specific, real, and pervasive societal norm in online spaces. This isn't just my opinion. If a newscaster tells you it's raining outside, and it's raining outside, it doesn't make it their opinion. I've edited my comment to include more information. My observations, unlike yours, are not anecdotal. There is no reason to accept them.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2023
It's not projection if I'm referring to a very specific, real, and pervasive societal norm in online spaces. This isn't just my opinion. If a newscaster tells you it's raining outside, and it's raining outside, it doesn't make it their opinion. I've edited my comment to include more information. My observations, unlike yours, are not anecdotal. There is no reason to accept them.
I agree that many these days are suspicious of and even hostile towards the use/character of certain common representations of "female attractiveness" (especially in a commercial context) for reasons first put forward by second wave feminists. That's more-or-less verifiable, or so it seems to me.

I likewise agree that contemporary "body positivity" (itself a product of second & especially third wave feminism) has probably contributed to the rise of negative attitudes toward "slim, attractive, petite characters" / "adult pettanko body types". No argument there, either.

However, I believe that increased awareness of & concern about child sexual abuse has had a much larger effect on negative attitudes toward the latter characters & body types. Again, the post that occasioned the debate in this thread is evidence of exactly that.

I'd break it down like this:
  • 2nd wave feminism -- developed influential critiques of common attitudes regarding & representations of women (e.g. NOW & the ERA, "patriarchy", "rape culture", "the male gaze")
  • 3rd wave feminism -- challenged the orthodoxies & implicit assumptions of 2nd wave feminism, gave rise to body/fat positivity, sex & sex work positivity, "intersectionality", "girl power", etc.
  • Body positivity -- increased positive attitudes toward thicc/fat body types; increased negative attitudes toward the enduring dominance of less inclusive beauty standards
  • Awareness of child sexual abuse -- strongly increased negative attitudes toward ostensibly "pedophilic" beauty ideals (e.g. shaved pubic hair, loli & pettanko fetishism)
Like you, I believe that the above is (or should be) self-evident, but I wouldn't call the whole thing "verifiable" in an objective sense. It's too complex to permit the clear separation of cause & effect, and our views regarding these things can't easily be separated from our subjective perceptions & opinions.

EDIT: corrected oversights & errors, clarified a few points
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Dex-chan lover
Oct 3, 2019
Man, some of this discussion is really concerning.

I have a friend, now in her 40s, who had her first child at 15; the very first time she had sex, and with another 15 year old. Her boyfriend, and they used a rubber.
Still got pregnant.
 AND her daughter, when born, had spina bifida! She's had one hell of a life, and is amazing....


Her body, just like every woman's body, stopped its sexual characteristics maturity when she gave birth.
She still looks late 20s in her mid 40s, and looked like a teenager when she was 30.
(Yeah, She's basically a legal loli, I know; we tease her about it)

Thing is... it's not abnormal. It's not uncommon.
It's just people with very little life experience thinking that they know the difference between baby shit and apple butter, when they don't.

It's weird how many people here (looking at your dumb ass, @Morose though you're not alone) seem to think that they are the best judge of other people that they've never met.

Maybe go out and live life outside of your plainly narrow and inexperienced worldview for a while before deciding that anything less than a woman with huge flobberknockers is a juvenile.

Or just admit that you love Lolita girls and leave the rest of us in peace... sheesh...
Double-page supporter
Dec 5, 2020
I realize the indo version is up to chapter 54.

Galaxy Degen really going hard on the drip feed.
Dex-chan lover
May 11, 2019
To me, a petite girl with flat chest isn't that different from a prepubescent girl.
Aka, it basically seems like a pedo to me.
Just bash your head to a wall bro, hopefully it will kill you in the process.
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 28, 2018
This seems like projection. Most of the body pos folks I've known are 100% ok with -- and often very appreciative of -- conventionally attractive female bodies, whether thicc, thin, or in between. But perhaps that's just me...

At the very least, you're the very first one that I've heard having that opinion in years. Most "body positive" people I've known are those that hate healthy bodies. Heck, they even have "hierarchy" based on how obese they are and unless you're at least this specifically arbitrarily obese, your opinion doesn't matter.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 11, 2024
They just went and did it in front of everybody, huh?

Also, good job SS Healer for keeping the servants away. She's a true friend.

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