Kimi ni Todoke: From Me to You - Vol. 21 Ch. 86 - Exam Preparation

May 22, 2020
[ul][/ul][ul][/ul][ul][/ul][ul][/ul][ul][/ul][ul][/ul]I really like the dynamics of supporting someone in a relationship shown here through Kent x Ayane x Pin.

Kent is a nice guy. A good guy. But the niceness and goodness can also become hurtful. He's has a saviour complex, which makes him overbearing and narrows his perception. When Kent was speaking to Kazehaya about Ayane in that cafe, he was angry why she wasn't ever treated well by anyone, and he resolved himself to take up the responsibility. But like Kazehaya said to Kuronuma that one time.. being in a relationship isn't a job. Kent's whole approach from the beginning was flawed.

And yet I still consider it good that Kent & Ayane got together, though it's obvious it won't last. She did need saving from self-deprecation, and her lack of trust in others was getting bigger. Because of Kent, Ayane got to realise more. Even Ayane's way of going with the flow and saying yes to anyone who confessed was wrong. But she knew she was wrong and had that self awareness. But they're young, and they want love, and that's the only way you can experience new things - by trying. She was still perceptive about who was honestly confessing, and was able to clearly break off when she knew it wasn't what she wanted. She always hoped that things will change. But a series of failed relationships, while giving you clarity about what you want, will still make you feel uneasy about opening up and starting over. And because she knew Kent meant good, she didn't want to start something half-assed with him. But then, you'll never know if you don't try, so she took the risk again, maybe even out of loneliness, but it brought back the doubt of whether she would be able to treasure him or not.

Kent x Ayane was needed as a stepping stone for something larger in both their lives. Kent also needs to realise he's blindly charging with only his perception. Right now, he doesn't realise that he's actually being self-righteous and superior. It was the case with Kazehaya too, when Kent misjudged the situation with Kuronuma with with his own assumptions and catered free advice.

At this stage it's still uncertain whether Pin x Ayane will happen or not. Pin is such a great character with a balance of seriousness and childishness. He wanted to continue highschool baseball because it brought out his childish desires of "having fun". Noone really changes to be an "adult". Rather, I'd compare "adult" to be like the term "sensei", where the characters used imply "saki ni umareru" - having born earlier. So it's just an accumulation of life's experiences that define one's level of maturity.

Pin is able to connect with the kids with this childishness, and use that to drive them towards serious decisions. Ayane is captivated by this very nature of Pin, that leaves her surprised and wanting for more. It unconsciously make her more aware about her own nature and testing her limits. Pin's able to encourage others really nicely, and I haven't seen any sensei character like this who's maintained a good distance between himself and the students. I cheer for Ayane x Pin but for a couple of years later. I sure hope he gets to see her without makeup on. Hehe
May 22, 2020

Thanks :)
After completing this, I didn't pick up any other manga for about 2-3 months. It left me so fulfilled, like the mega story that has everything you're looking for, and so well executed.
When I finally did pick another romance series up, it just felt so shallow, or lacking in this kind of maturity. It just wasn't the same level.

Let me know any recommendations you have :)

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