We're finally reached the ending. Wasnt a bad run, and it was quite an enjoyable for a short series. It was quite hard for me to care a lot to the characters as we knew next to nothing about them, their background, their personality, their relationship status., And their age gap. I seriously thought theyre all at the same age untill I see Liese (= . =) All we know is Shuu is a neet waiting for his time up. I also think his confition is not emphasized quite well, we dont really get what and how severe his illness is, so we dont have any refrence in mind, so I find it hard to pity his situation. All those, after the characters struggle and effort, its really hard for me to be exiced at the concert chapter.
But as we see their past I have a much easier time to care for them as we finally see more and more clearer pictures about them and their dream. I really love they use the same game they played back then for Sayane to convey her burried feelings. I think if we were to start the story from their childhood or maybe just more glimpse of their past, we can care about those characters much more and be more excited in the concert chapter.
All and all, I wish we got to see a few pages of the surgery. I think his acceptence to take it even theres a chance to lose his eyesight is going to be very impactful.
All and all, thanks so much CClaw, Circle, Goddess, Mii, The Cookstable, and PLS scanss for the SL! And of course Amasaki Mirito sensei and Hanada Momose sensei for making this enjoyable series!