Kimi Shi ni Tamafu Koto Nakare - Vol. 6 Ch. 30

Group Leader
Jul 27, 2018
@Arqa they’re clearly a pitiful person who’s desperate for attention. Just ignore them
Apr 5, 2019
This series makes no damn sense, 2 or three volumes have some kind of continuity, subtendly they switch the whole setting, 2 volumes later again, etc...

It seem we were preparing for some kind of inner high school political game with Botan and the blond sociopath as the main parties in conflict, and now we are in a X-men like future where the Sentinels won the war...

The first few dozen chapters or so had potential, but the further I go into this the less sense it makes. Don't power users need the drug to function? And their powers disappear after a few years (this is why they are all high school students). Wouldn't be easier to stop making the drug and wait for the power users to naturally disappear? Japan can't break their constitution by using weapons, but it can commit mass murder, mass human experimentation, etc? This is just edge for sake of edge at this point. Which it great to kill time, and I like it... but damn this series could be much much better with a bit more of narrative consistency and bit less edge for sake of edge.
Nov 9, 2020
How can one make a universe and story as great as the Nier universe and then turn around and do this

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