Kimi to Shiranai Natsu ni Naru - Vol. 3 Ch. 16 - Say Goodbye to My Boring Self

Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2019
saw this coming a mile away after the author started throwing away all the character development of actually giving up the suit.

like, what story does this tell you? "you can't escape corporate hell, go back and work yourself into death"

for a story that started off with such an optimistic escapist message, this was just an utter disappointment
Sometimes that’s how it is, though.
Adult life is… stupid.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 14, 2019
This was ok. Although you can really tell the dreaded axe came down mercilessly on this one. But, as previously mentioned, I can sorta appreciate the raw simplicity of abandoning all priorities to have lesbian sex all day (not to mention the sweet booba that was shown in those panels as a result).

As short lived as this was a few things I can praise this manga for is (personally) it's excellent paneling and accurately portraying the anguish that comes with job hunting. That shit can be down right dehumanizing, and the manga does a good job showing how the FemCs come to grips with that.

Thank you for the translation (I pray you haven't been skipping leg day TL...).
Dex-chan lover
Feb 15, 2019
Yes this is the end. There's still extras for volume 3 coming, in September, and it might be longer than usual considering this volume was suspiciously a full chapter short on the page count.

But it's safe to say it was axed. There's some unnatural circumstances, especially the sudden hiatuses, and it felt like this chapter was racing through plot points that easily could have taken up more chapters, assuming this was the intended conclusion.

All things told, I think it wrapped up nicely. There's some great payoffs with Haru returning to how she was in chapter 1, Haru seeing herself in Hinoto, Haru tearing up the marriage certificate, the way they traded suffering over each other over the course of the manga, and them finally having absolutely nothing left.

Also more manga seriously need to end with the protagonists saying, "Fuck it all, let's just have sex all day."

It's a happy enough ending: they recognize their true happiness is each other and are willing to suffer through the grind together. But I don't think for a moment this was Keyyan's original vision. It just doesn't add up thematically, coming up weak if they're simply meant to be 2 dumb kids who got in over their heads and returned to life. The story needed more ups and downs for that to work, instead of one big fall before quickly calling it quits. And the message of "just have a girlfriend who'll die for you" isn't likely to resonate with those sympathizing with their situation. As much as I love Haru and Hinoto's never-ending commitment to one another.

So while I admire Keyyan's ability to make the best of this, and I'm happy it wasn't KitaKawa 2, I'm pretty dissatisfied. As you might be able to tell by the credits page.

Seriously, I'm going to jump off a bridge if The Princess of Sylph doesn't make it. A short bridge but it'll hurt my ankles.
Fully agree. A fucking shame this story was cut short but I appreciate the author for making the best out of the situation.

Thank you so much for translating this
Dex-chan lover
Jun 19, 2020
Damn, a shame this had to end so quickly and to leave on this ending. Really loved the style, characters, art, and the story at least up until the last couple chapters once the axing came and it had to be ended real quick unsatisfyingly. Though as others have said, it does kinda fit that capitalism is so pervasive that they were just unable to have their escapism because they could not escape from it. Just another reason why we need to take down capitalism: So lesbians can be happy
Mar 13, 2018
I'm happy it wasn't KitaKawa 2,

Also, I'm going to disagree with you. I actively think people should not buy the “English” version from Seven Seas and that's because they left the title in Japanese!!!! They licensed it as “Kimi to Shiranai Natsu ni Naru”!! No!!! That's so fucking stupid!!! No one should give them a cent!!! Their job is to translate, and they're not doing it.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 6, 2019
sad that it seemingly got axed. But tbh a realistic manga where your dreams fail is an interesting change of pace every once in a while. I'm so used to everything working out. Wish we could've seen it develop a lot more as the author intended though
Apr 7, 2019
To be fair this chapter did not feel like an axe. So kudos to the author, this was well done. Sad to see this end, but not every story is a success story, i guess.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
Imagine being this salty, I’m gonna buy the full series in English now just to spite you
Double-page supporter
Apr 19, 2020
Could have been much better or much much worse, still not that bad...
Gonna buy the manga anyway if possible.
Dex-chan lover
May 17, 2018
The manga just did a 360 and they came back to where they started. It just doesn’t fits what the first chapters gave as theme. At least the author managed to guide it a bit through the axing and not just leave everything without at least with an attempt of closure.
Well another of my small escapism manga gone, making me face life more and more.
Ah… there’s really no escape. Only the dead will know peace from this evil.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 23, 2023
thanks for the translation!

shame it ended so early but ill take the clouded happiness in this ending than what could have been
dreams dont always happen and sometimes youve gotta pick up the scraps and glue them back together into something thats more of a compromise with the nature of things than it is what you wanted, but sometimes that is as close as you can get before waiting to try again in the future.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 16, 2018
Well, I guess I'll be the contrarian and say I kind of liked this ending. In some sort of sad and poignant and warped way.
It's a very sad, crappy, painful ending but it's really realistic all the same.
It turns out that dropping everyone and everything to move to the middle of nowhere with no money, no qualifications, no connections and no anything just because "we live in a society" is actually not rainbows and sunshie nor is it just fun and games.
These girls were being extremely emotional retards and paid the price for it.

At the end of the day unless you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth you'll have to bust your ass and compromise countless times to be able to accomplish your dreams and more.

Not like this was the intended message considering this was most certainly axed but whatever.

The depression avoiding reality for as long as we can sex was tip top though.
Feb 17, 2023
This is among the worst endings I could have seen for this story. I'd honestly had preferred if both the main characters broke up, died and the aunt got sick for some reason while the island sunk as well as the boat while the third girl was leaving.
15 chapters of escapism from corporate hell and the conclusion we got was that nothing was fixed? Thanks, I really needed the waking up to reality when I'm trying to pull away from it when I have a tiny break from this shit... God damn it, this wasn't even a conclusion, this was a roll back. A damn time loop ending would have been better! Nothing got fixed, nothing got a conclusion and it all just simply ruined the manga for me, which was 9/10 before this chapter. Maybe bonus chapters fix the entire thing later, but I really doubt it.
Jun 3, 2023
This was unnervingly close to being KitaKawa 2, was panicking through all the pages. Yikes.

Thanks for all your work with this series, hope more people are able to support the author cause this was a huge yikes, thankfully it seemed like we got the best out of what we could have gotten.
What's kitakawa?
Dex-chan lover
Jun 23, 2019
This was unnervingly close to being KitaKawa 2, was panicking through all the pages. Yikes.

Thanks for all your work with this series, hope more people are able to support the author cause this was a huge yikes, thankfully it seemed like we got the best out of what we could have gotten.
That would unironically be the better ending
Dex-chan lover
Jan 25, 2018
Kitanai Kimi ga Ichiban Kawaii. It's another Yuri Hime manga, rather notorious for its dark themes and ending. Let's just say the protagonists find themselves in a similar situation where they've run away from it all, but they take a more drastic solution.
And for that KitaKawa is a better manga than this.

Sometimes a writer has an idea and they aren't the right fit for it. Ideas are cheap, execution is what matters. I hope Key Yang next work is based around an idea that fits better with them.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 15, 2019
Ngl, expected it to end on a pair of starved naked bodies in a sweaty cramped room.
Also, thanks y'all, read the last chapter of this kitakawa thing, definitely gonna read the rest later :aquadrink:

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