Kimi wa Kawaii Reptile - Ch. 8

Dec 15, 2018
Thanks for the chapter!
There are no redeeming traits of violent tsunderes. The 'dere' is never worth. It's basically sticking your dick in crazy
Yet further proof why the tsundere archetype is shit and deserves to be remembered as being shit.

This is anti-tsundere propaganda from someone who's first manga/anime was 'Zero no Tsukaima/The Familiar of Zero' and I am still angry about it years later.
Dex-chan lover
May 16, 2019
Only after him putting up with her shit does she remember he's one of the "good ones". Even tho being a misanthrope because of one bad experience is fucking retarded.

Fuck this bitch give the loli lizard.
Holds up a mirror

now do this character
Dex-chan lover
Apr 9, 2023
Tokay-chan is testing our boy a bit to see if he'll abandon her. I've seen humans with abandonment complexes do this too. I understand it, but I don't endorse it, and I hope she puts it behind her after this.
Holds up a mirror

now do this character
Mirror-chan has no personality of her own, only reflecting those around her. Personal growth is needed.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 15, 2023
I still really don't like this lizard girl. I draw the line at draining our boy's bank. Dawg, that's fucked up.
Tokay-chan is testing our boy a bit to see if he'll abandon her. I've seen humans with abandonment complexes do this too. I understand it, but I don't endorse it, and I hope she puts it behind her after this.
If you're making things difficult for someone to prove a point, then you're only reaffirming your misery, making it stronger to break out of, and spreading it to others who don't deserve it.

It's only until you're really left by yourself that you realize how fucked up you've been and how fucked you are now, and you only got yourself to blame for getting into that situation.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018

This is either the biggest car-owner mismatch or his pet shop sources their stock manually from the wild.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 23, 2019
Are you getting tired of taking care of us?

You caused 90% of that tiredness dingus. Thank God the author didn't drag this out. Although let's hope the tsundere archtype is carried out properly from now on.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 12, 2023
Thanks for the chapter!
There are no redeeming traits of violent tsunderes. The 'dere' is never worth. It's basically sticking your dick in crazy
Yet further proof why the tsundere archetype is shit and deserves to be remembered as being shit.

This is anti-tsundere propaganda from someone who's first manga/anime was 'Zero no Tsukaima/The Familiar of Zero' and I am still angry about it years later.
Actually,and this was mentioned somewhere but I can't recall where,but there was a time when the dishonest character wasn't always a blatantly tossed in token violent psycho,but instead someone who would lecture the other character for their faults in order to self improve.

They would actually be a character who did care but chose to use education instead of affection due to their own embarrassment,and when called out 'bout it,that's when they'd retort to try and save face,not senseless violence.

The issue stems from artists/authors/directors/whoever who didn't get that aspect and simply tossed someone in and combine it with comedic violence,and that trickles down with other who also didn't get it to the point you get real psychos who do things without real care.

In other news,sticking your wing wing into crazy depends on the crazy,because some are as easy to control with your wing wing and actually using those balls to convey why the crazy should be less crazy.

And possibly force some of the really bad psychotic tendecied chicks to get proper mental health help.

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