Crazy how he thinks someone who has "more" than him like uichi doesnt deserve to be with someone like yotsuha but fails that recognize that even this flawed logic doesnt work cause he also has "more" than her. P sure he just liked a girl and made up a reason for why she should like him retroactively. And obvs that sucks and he clearly needs loads of therapy, but that doesnt mean one has to forgive him for his frankly insane actions. Obvs whoever incited him to do this is also to blame and im curious to find out. That aside, im happy that the class was so supportive of uichi despite the bullying in the past (no doubt in large part due to yotsuhas expert social manipulating, but still). Out schools cranked down pretty hard on bullying so i domt have much first hand experience but i imagine many of the kids were just stupid and went along woth the flow rather than have actual malice in their heart.
Thanks for the chapter