Kindaichi Case Files - Vol. 23 Ch. 184 - (File 16) Black Butterfly Murder Case (13)

Aggregator gang
Mar 11, 2018
This is perhaps the saddest case in the entire series.

As always, thanks a lot for the scanlation!
Aug 19, 2018
the number 1 of top 3 most tragic cases ever from kindaichi case files, as i've said before. if only masayuki tried to find out more about his mother reason for marrying that old bastard and had he revealed himself to her in secret, midori will certainly let him in on her plan of revenge. both of them then could start slowly poisoning that old bastard, first by taking away his freedom of movement, then very slowly use small dose of poison to destroy that old bastard internal organs without detection and finally as the old bastard begging for death to come, they both reveal everything and destroy whatever left of that old bastard and watch that old bastard die with the worst kind of agony, to have nothing ever that is truly his. tragically however, masayuki not only kill that old bastard but also his own 2 true sisters. all because he was blinded by his ignorant hatred toward midori. and the other old bastard, that professor yamano got away clean even though he's the one who triple backstabbing midori and minoru. not only he sold minoru's hard work to that old bastard, he also knows the reason why minoru commit suicide and kept it in to spare himself. and lastly he confess only after its too late to do anything. that professor should have seen some punishment as well. all in all it is one giant ship wreck.

some nit pick, in real life there is no way miyama could marry ageha. without legal documentation japan civil registry cant submit miyama and ageha into marriage registration which would make them ineligible. not only that, tono eiji was never declared dead and that should make him still the main suspect on hiren lake murder case. and who can say tono eiji will not remember everything one day.

there's incest subtext in this case as well. the relationship between masayuki and tateha. considering they are both 24 and 22 of age, did they do it? most likely masayuki only got close to tateha to endear himself into the house. but who knows whether he enjoys and get something from it.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 25, 2018
@cubia Hmm it's sad alright, but since I haven't read the other 2 cases yet so I don't know if this is the most tragic case in the series. I seemed to be numb to this case since all the Kindaichi cases that I've read so far are quite tragic.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
@cubia I don't think they did anything because without the truth coming out, he still knew she is his half-sister.
Apr 17, 2018
God, the ending to this case makes me so angry.

First off, does the author not know any way of ending a case other than having the murderer commit suicide? Seriously, this dude kills two innocent girls all because of some imagined slight that he couldn’t even bother to verify before he started his murder spree, and then when he finds out he’s in the wrong, he doesn’t even begin to entertain the idea of making any reparations. Motherfucker just straight up takes the cowards way out and stabs himself in the gut rather than doing literally anything decent.

And then the mom. What the hell, lady? Literally everything went wrong in her life. The man she loved was convinced she leaked his research, he killed himself, and she was forced to marry a man she hated. As the final act on the pitiful parade that is this lady’s life, two of her daughters are killed over a misunderstanding by her own estranged son. But then, in a shocking turn of events she defends him?? Like, come on dude, literally everything has gone wrong in your life and you’ve done absolutely nothing to deserve it, but you defend the guy who made things even worse?? And on top of that, you have the audacity to die with him??? Bitch, in case you forgot, you still have another daughter to take care of and at least three funerals to plan.

But whatever, I guess we can rationalize their deaths as taking the easy way out/responding to extreme grief. Fine. But the part of this that really makes my blood boil is Touno. In case you forgot, Touno committed four murders, and none of the people he killed were even guilty of anything. They were just unlucky schmucks in the wrong place at the wrong time. Touno is a serial murderer, Kindaichi. You don’t get to randomly decide he deserves happiness just because he’s an amnesiac, so he’s nice now. Call the fucking police on this guy! He’s supposed to be serving time for four first degree murders right now! You aren’t judge, jury, and executioner. I guess they were trying to end the case on a high note, but it’s just infuriating
Feb 16, 2019
Nothing says "I never really loved you" as much as a mother choosing to die over taking care of her one remaining daughter. ._.
Power Uploader
Jan 18, 2018
@zevelworld you're welcome!

@Ynneja That's the thing, isn't it? She never loved her daughters, to her, they were just tools for revenge. She only wanted them alive to gloat to Shimon when he was dying that they weren't his daughters. Back in Ch 6 or 7, you see Midori saying "It's not over yet, Ageha still lives..." which means she's consoling herself that she can still take revenge with just one daughter. So in the end, maybe it was better that Ageha got out of such a relationship.
Aug 19, 2018
you do realize that the only reason that old bastard hasn't make a move of practicing his "hobby" on the daughters is because the mother is the one who put or volunteer herself to satisfy the "hobby". the fact is her daughters most likely already knows about all of it (except about their true father) which is why the daughters are repulsed with that old bastard. also the mother could not have ever thought that it was her son who kill her daughters. so it could be said that half of the responsibility for her daughters death also falls on her. that is probably why she decided to die along with her son, his sin is also hers. for her to die is the only way to make it right. they both just cant live bearing that sin. 2 wrongs don't make it right. but 1000 right wont fix 2 wrongs either. in the end its all about choice. just like that father who kill himself to give his last kidney to save his daughter, the mother give up her life even if it only can comfort her son however little it is. she did give birth to 3 daughters for the sake of revenge, but it doesn't mean she never love her daughters. they were after all the children of hers and her only love. as she says, she is trapped in limbo of revenge and as she never got the revenge she wants, she will always be trapped there in life.

the next case 'french silver coin murder case' bear the same motive as this case. tragically however it didn't end the same way like this one. if only the culprit actually succeeded on his plan. that is really a turnabout of kindaichi case files.
Feb 16, 2019
The remaining daughter would probably be super traumatized and the mother choosing to not be there for her feels pretty unloved. Sure, she cannot change the past, but she can still change the future. >.<

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