Kindan Shitei de Breakthrough - Vol. 1 Ch. 5

Dex-chan lover
Aug 8, 2018
I’d love to hear that conversation when he actually does win.
Princess: So you gonna ask to marry me now?
MC: What? no. I’m touching my maids breasts
Princess: Why?! Don’t you like me and know like you?
MC: I don’t particularly remember you being nice to me in the last ten years, you destroy my reputation with any girl that suggests slight interest in me, have never noticed how much I hate all the stupid expectations everyone has because of my dad, and have never noticed and comforted or praised me. The only one in this shitty town that’s been nice to me has been my sadist of a maid. Why would like you? If I was sane, I’d have run away from here eons ago

You know personally I would have preferred if the MC finally gathered the courage to leave that toxic and suffocating environment when he met the demon lord. And then the maid follows him because aside from the 2 main character she is the ONLY CHARACTER I DON’T HATE. Even if he gets stronger, I don’t see those terrible people becoming better and not superficial assholes. Then everyone could possibly see what terrible excuses for lifeforms they’ve been and finally grow some as individuals. As opposed to everything somehow being the MCs fault and being the one that just needs to get strong. I’m just saying, but good family, friends, and teachers wouldn’t care who your father was or have any expectations other than for you to be happy and enjoy life. They shouldn’t care if he becomes a baker much less a worse swordsman than his dad. His dad is a deadbeat and spends no time with his son, but has plenty to remind him how stupid he his and much better he (dad) was (I’m just gonna assume his mom is dead). His teachers treat him like a failure despite him having the BEST GRADES and putting in the most work. His friends all remind me of those rich idiots that complain about having too much money to poor people. The princess likes him but doesn’t even notice how suffocating and terrible he feels. Everyone else is just the mob going along with it and never showing him kindness. The only nice people are a spirit demon king and sadistic maid; what the freak?! Oh and everyone apparently somehow forget he was the son of another legendary hero and before the demon lord no one thought “hmm, he’s not doing so hot in swordsmanship; maybe he has the talents of his other legendary parent?”. What a joke of an academy. Try finding someone’s strengths before constantly berating them for their weaknesses
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 13, 2019
I don't mind the misunderstanding. I hate the dense MC trope.

Holy shit. Read most of tnt261's rant. I mean, I pretty much agree with how trash his pops and everyone around him is. However... you've got to understand, he can't escape it. Escaping your problems doesn't solve them, he either accepts/ignores people's judgment like a mature person or he puts in more effort to try to prove himself to others even though ultimately their opinions don't matter.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 2, 2019
So the Demon Lord "Was" a hero turned villain? Those kind of people are awesome till they went dark.
Apr 26, 2019
@kp114330 damn that burn from author
@BuffSoul Wasn't that what he was doing until now? He was resigned to become an imperial knight even without really wanting to. He literally just wanted some praise without being looked down on.

"he either accepts/ignores people's judgment like a mature person or he puts in more effort to try to prove himself to others"
He was doing the first, and now he is doing the latter.
Oct 11, 2020
man just wants to touch some oppai meanwhile some bitches are going on about marriage
Double-page supporter
Aug 1, 2019
In my head, while reading both the web novel and the manga as of now, I've compared this to Boruto. I've actually come up with the idea that this is essentially just Boruto without prior knowledge of Naruto and the lengths he went through to get to his goal. Hiro just wants his child to succeed, despite the fact that he puts no effort into Eirth's development. With Naruto, at least he tried and didn't put pressure on Boruto to be like him.

And even then, Naruto has an unwavering belief in his child, as well as the others. Hiro does things that make you think, "Oh, he cares about Earth." and not even a panel later he does things like put his son down unintentionally.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 6, 2019
These fucking names. I be the mage kids name is some dumb thing to that just flew over my head.
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 23, 2020
God what is this shit right now, why do any of them think they can be cocky and act superior to the mc when they've been taking all the good cards straight from his pocket.
The MC:
Does not get proper training, never gets praised, always looked down on, wasn't even taught the thing that he was good at so his 15 years were wasted. And now they want to look down on him saying he hasn't put in enough effort?? HE PUT IN MORE EFFORT THAN YOU!! I fucking hate everyone in this manga except the MC and Sadith because he has to deal with all this bullshit. Fuck them all I hope he beats them into a coma.

@TNT261 I fully agree with you there, nobody there deserves to be the receivers of the effort he has put in. I swear to god if the author turns this around and makes those people his friends after 2 conversations later on when he (presumably) wins the tournament I will drop this fucking manga like a steaming turd. None of them even deserve to compare themselves to someone who has constantly been dealt a shit hand and is still managing to come second place. Just think about this: He has been constantly taught the wrong things and never been given proper motivation for his effort and yet he is still second place. If after all that he is second place then just imagine how powerful he would be if he was actually taught his talents and was treated like a fucking person for once.
Aug 15, 2019
wish they would've been more subtle with the names like Rey Vall or smth
Dex-chan lover
Jul 31, 2019
Wait so the MC is named EARTH, main antagonist is named RIVAL, and love interest is named FIANCE? ...... very subtle
Dex-chan lover
Jan 9, 2020
Sorry girlie.

Not today.

@dkdumpling You ever heard the saying that men are not created equal? Applies here. Sucks, but it's true. So instead of wallowing in his despair like before, MC with the help of Demon King is sucking it up and manning up. Let's see what happens to him, eh?
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 23, 2020
@parkourse "Manning up", ah yes, because being neglected and constantly mistreated is just a girly thing. He can fix it by puffing out his chest and ignoring the mental strain it puts on him.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 9, 2020
@dkdumpling well he can't exactly do jack about how everyone else is treating him, right? By "manning up", I meant that he's accepted that he's being treated like shit and is using that as motivation to get better and improve, while also recognizing that being treated like shit is wrong and...shitty. Sorry for the misleading terminology.

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