I also want to believe something that petty is not the reason behind Ousen's actions. They're at war, I can't believe he would prioritize such things. But still, this chapter hit a little too close to home. As someone who was told the same thing to my face by my own father (while knowing he had those thoughts since long before, when I was still a child), it's painful, a whole damn lot. Even though I've tried to ignore it and act as if it's nothing, I can't deny that it has affected me. So reading this, my heart aches for Ouhon. Whatever Ousen's reasons might be, if Ouhon thinks it's because of that matter, it can only hurt him. The one thing he might have wanted the most his whole life would be being accepted and recognized; and if, despite his talent and everything, he still isn't being recognized (or thinks he isn't - not that his father's behaviour could make him think otherwise), well, that's something that fucks you up. That being said, I kind of hope to see Shin meddling; it would be hilarious and it definitely calls for some character development!