@4V29LN0n Let's ramrod you through 500 years of war and a lifetime of grinding, starving poverty and still see if you think that way.
So long as the entirety of Qi from king to peasant is treated as equals to Qin (which is what the king and prime ministers of Qin swore to do), there is no logical and no stable moral grounds not to take this deal. The only reason to hesitate, as ever, is war: can Qi hold its borders long enough for Qin to finish the conquest of Zhao?
And if that statement makes no sense to you, I have to ask: Did you even read any of the prior chapters? Did you just skip all the
extremely relevant worldbuilding as TL
R? Or are you treating this story like a Total War computer game, where you don't see and thus entirely ignore all the human damages and lost opportunity costs?