Kinokuniya Australia pulls 7 manga series after-politicians complaint over sexualisation of minors

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Active member
Aug 8, 2018

July 14th, 15 ish.

So....... the craziness continues in Australia. I'll post this like a drive by and zoop to the stars.
List of pulled series

Eromanga Sensei
Sword Art Online
Goblin Slayer
No Game No Life
Inside Mari
Parallel Paradise
Dragonar Academy
Jun 11, 2019
I am going to love doing this again!

"Censorship bad! I can't believe we lost our beloved Eromanga Sensei. damn bro,,,,"

To be honest, who cares? This happened nearly 2.5 weeks ago and nothing notable has come from it.

Also, please don't leave out important information:

Only books that are considered to be “submittable publications” need to be classified:

A publication is submittable if it is likely to be RC, cause offence to an adult, or unsuitable for minors.

So the majority of manga they stock probably doesn’t require classification. I suspect they’re probably working on the assumption that all of the stock provided by the distributor was not submittable. Without evidence that they’ve made a good faith determination about a particular book’s status, they need to take any complaint seriously.
- commenter Jamesh (July 20th)

The Australian Classification Board responded to Griff's criticisms at the time, saying that it is aware of the concerns involving "Sword Art Online: Extra Edition, No Game, No Life, and Eromanga Sensei Volumes 1 & 2". The Board rates content with the same criteria whether it is live-action or animated.

In Australia, it is illegal to produce, possess, or distribute pornography or abuse material depicting a person under the age of 18. In 2008, a New South Wales Supreme Court judge ruled that a pornographic cartoon depicting characters from The Simpsons was child porn. Under Japan's current child pornography laws, fictional depictions such as anime and manga are exempted from the law.

Austrialian Laws work differently than laws in Japan; if Weeb media is exported to Aussie-land than of course it is subject to Aussie laws simple enough. Nothing to seethe over.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
Really the only thing to say about this is that Australia has some pretty strict laws regarding media. The only thing that can fix that is Australian voters.
Active member
Aug 8, 2018

Hi, I am sorry for bothering you guys. I have a forum stalker. I've already blocked him, but I see he's now decided to follow me around and probably continue going after me personally over what he thinks are my personal politics.

Please help. The guy is literally only here to restart a fight. I am trying to cut down on my flame warring so I said that I was finished with the subject .

Jun 11, 2019
Nah, if you feel that I am stalking him then go ahead and ban me but that whole context thread is just me fact-checking and if that is considered "stalking" then that's fine I guess.

I don't come with the intention to restart a fight but to stop people riling up fellow weebs to fight over an issue that doesn't necessarily bother anyone or themselves (ie. Alarmist rhetoric).

He doesn't disprove any issues which I brought up with his articles and further more doesn't want to actually improve his journalistic integrity. He, as in crazybars, is just here to be an alarmist.
Active member
Aug 8, 2018
Seriously, this precognicent guy is just following me around posting walls of texts trying to @ me in all but name after I blocked him.

If I don't get help, I'll just ask the mods directly in support thread for what to do.

I suppose I could also keep posting he's a politically biased dickwad, but I can't read his comments cause blocked yea? I'm not supposed to do that.

*edit 8/1/20: Hmmm, now that I think about it, this is an issue. I can't actually read precognicent's comments so I can't see if it's his usual trash having another go at me personally over my politics. Me being sure this is drama spillover might not be correct since I can't actually read it.

I might actually need to ask about this catch 22 on what I should next time.
Oct 7, 2018
Isn't that the same country that has laws saying you are only an adult female if you have big boobs?
(I can only guess plastic surgeons have deep pockets to have such effective lobbyists 🤣 🤣)

First, WOW, it is so wrong, down right evil, to punish for "fictional" stuff!
It is also wrong to single out a single thing instead of all "crimes".
It is the exact same thing ignorant/prejudice/etc. people say about violent video/games/music/etc.

They should just ban all nude cartoons then, because this sets an insanely dangerous precedent:
"nude cartoon adults = ok / nude cartoon non-adults = bad"
"murder cartoon black person = ok / murder cartoon white person = bad".
When you can seperate it into groups based soley on race/sex/age, is a bad road to go down.
Hell, underage people are the single largest group of oppressed people, can't vote, etc. until you are an adult. They have NO voice.

Just imagine if it was also applied to everything:
You see a murder in an action movie, you are sentenced as a murderer.
You read a rape scene in a book, you are sentenced for rape.
You hear about theft in some song, you are sentenced for stealing.
You draw a stick figure, you are sentenced for child porn.
Active member
Jun 27, 2020
If it's really nagging at you, just log out and voilà! All messages can be viewed because they are no longer consider blocked.
Jun 11, 2019

Not really, know I don't understand what you mean by your first line but "meh".

Okay, I tell that you fell for the alarmism that emanates from this forum post, so let me come form this from another angle. The Slippery Slope is a fallacy for a reason.

"Oh no! If A happens then B will happen then C would happen then D could happen ... "

How do you know (or certainly can give probable cause to) evidence to the idea that Aussie-land banning a few anime will cause the absolute downfall of humanity (or has you label it or as I interpret your argument to be that it could damage the artistic expression in Australia) ? The idea that Aussie-land can bring monumental change to an industry will trillions of dollars under it's belt due to an MP's decision is implausible. People put things into groups because it is easier to things without meaningless forms of abstraction like "2 legs", "a heart" or any vague descriptor that can describe a human. It's generally beneficial but it does have it's problems as it is a vestigial remnant of our past; see xenophobia.

If we granted the hypothetical that A lead to C; what factor(s) lead to this situation in the first place? Logically there is a B to every situation.
Active member
Aug 8, 2018

But that's the thing, I blocked him, yet he keeps following me like a creeper. When I comment , he comments right below me or close.
There's no guarantee he will stop even if I afk.

Is that supposed to be a thing that's allowed?
Am I supposed to unblock him to check if his comments are rule breaking?
Because he won't back off.

Honestly, this guy is the 1st wacko I've ever seen to ever try this.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018

In this case, C happened before A. Australia outlawed the sale of all 18+ video material before they made any laws regarding simulated CSA (or w/e you wanna call it).

I don't believe in slippery slopes and this isn't some recent cultural shift (18+ law enacted 25 years ago). I do think Australians need to rethink some of their laws surrounding pornography. This is strictly an Australia problem solvable only by its citizens. To suggest otherwise is some Pepe Silvia levels of theorizing.
Aggregator gang
Jan 6, 2019
@crazybars Just because a person has an agenda to stop an alarmist, doesn't make them a stalker. He corrects you, and you don't like that, it is that simple.
Group Leader
Apr 20, 2019
@crazybars The mods won't do anything unless you spew some sort of political contents they really disapprove of, most likely non-leftist views. Otherwise, they won't care. Don't bother trying to beg them to ban someone. It's not gonna happen, especially in this case. Since you already blocked him, him stalking your contents is entirely him going out of his way to waste his own time. The only thing you can do is to pretend that he doesn't exist.

@Wilhelm_Stenvall While he's not exactly breaking any rules, well not that it matters much, I still find what he does somewhat creepy. This is an internet forum, not a news outlet and neither of them are Youtubers or anything similar to that line. Once he's blocked, he should know to fuck off and play somewhere else. There are hundreds of thousand of people I disagree with on reddit and twitter, but I personally don't feel the need to stalk anyone's content and argue with them constantly. Not that I mean to take any side, but regardless of what this conversation is about, it still seems like a very bizarre thing to do.

As for the issue being "discussed", I don't care much for Australia laws. This is similar to other laws I've seen in other countries, unless I miss something. Guess what? Good luck regulating that shit on the internet. Manga enthusiasts will learn Japanese and buy it online from some Japanese distributor, while others will read for free somewhere else.

In all fairness, I can see why the Aussies get alarmed over this. I read the article and the letter she wrote, and let's just say she reminds me of your stereotypical old moral guardian.

The senator went on to call for the ban of Sword Art Online: Extra Edition for “undoubtedly [featuring] the abuse of children”

I'm willing to bet she's gonna go after Naruto and DBZ eventually.
12-year-old kids fighting to the death? Check.
5-year-old kid fighting to the death against naked aliens? Check.

The offensive and illegal material was found in a range of books featuring depictions of wide-eyed ‘children’ – childlike in stature but engaged in extremely explicit sexual activities. Some of the predominantly female characters in these books are wearing school uniforms and innocent expressions as they engage in sometimes violent sex acts with dominant characters including incest and rape.

It's called an art style, you stupid cunt. Is she gonna go after pornhub next? They have incest-theme porn and girls wearing school uniform fucking each other.
And I still don't get what the fuck does Goblin Slayer have to do with anything regarding porn or child abuse.

Noting the extreme level of concern both domestically and internationally about child protection and child exploitation, I asked Mr Takai to immediately remove these offensive books from sale as a matter of urgency.

So in order to combat child abuse, this bitch went after manga. Precisely why she's a politician, and not a detective or a police officer. The latter solves problem, the former wastes tax payers' money.

I won't accuse anyone being alarmist for now. No one expected Sony to censor ecchi games, until they did. I don't know who voted these people in, but until otaku can run for these governmental positions, they'll keep getting the shaft.
Jun 11, 2019

The mods aren't going to ban you if you spew [insert your political affiliation] unless your views effectively break the rules and if so you do have beliefs that might be rule breaking then you might have to do some introspection there brother. Why is crazybar's wild baby-raging actually getting traction when I am not "stalking" him. I look in the forums while listening to podcasts/D&D campaigns then see what is popping in the respective sub-forums. If I find some discussion interesting; I partake in it. Quite Simple, right?

You can find me checking back on the discussion "creepy", yeah that's fine. I did liken what I am doing to a college professor going over your work and pointing out it being incorrect. Yeah, it's annoying but does it really matter? Saying one is "stalking" you just because they pointed out flaws in their argument shouldn't help the person (i.e. crazybars) build a support group against having basic journalistic standards, reputable sources and 😱fact checking😱. I don't like the idea that I am stalking someone because I pointed out that they are spewing misinformation or trying to be an alarmist over an issue that doesn't effect them or others.

As for the issue being "discussed", I don't care much for Australia laws. This is similar to other laws I've seen in other countries, unless I miss something. Guess what? Good luck regulating that shit on the internet. Manga enthusiasts will learn Japanese and buy it online from some Japanese distributor, while others will read for free somewhere else.

Isn't this a point in favor of not caring about this non-issue? As I said before, Aussie laws are valid in Aussie-land and that is where the store is based in; that doesn't mean that he isn't allowed to use a VPN, a site like mangadex or any site like that, etc. So, the issue that "Kinokuniya Australia takes down 7 manga series after politicians complain about the rampant over-sexualization of minors" is seems really overblown when people actually think about in such a myopic way.

I'm willing to bet she's gonna go after Naruto and DBZ eventually.
12-year-old kids fighting to the death? Check.
5-year-old kid fighting to the death against naked aliens? Check.

This is such a slippery slope, my guy.

The offensive and illegal material was found in a range of books featuring depictions of wide-eyed ‘children’ – childlike in stature but engaged in extremely explicit sexual activities. Some of the predominantly female characters in these books are wearing school uniforms and innocent expressions as they engage in sometimes violent sex acts with dominant characters including incest and rape.

It's called an art style, you stupid cunt. Is she gonna go after pornhub next? They have incest-theme porn and girls wearing school uniform fucking each other.
And I still don't get what the fuck does Goblin Slayer have to do with anything regarding porn or child abuse.

It's not called "art style" but a depiction of a child and would be usually seen as such. "If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck". This is called abductive reasoning (, the act that "a person can identify an unknown subject by observing that subject's habitual characteristics. It is sometimes used to counter abstruse arguments that something is not what it appears to be". So, if you draw something that looks like an elementary school girl, acts like an elementary school girl and/or shows behaviors typical of an elementary school girl then you were drawing an elementary school girl. It's simple. Goblin Slayer
(with ch1-3 of the manga and episode 1 of the anime) depict the rape, murder and obilteration of the priestess' former party by goblins. So, Goblin Slayer might typically be viewed as a media that may seem like it fits all the descriptions.

So in order to combat child abuse, this bitch went after manga. Precisely why she's a politician, and not a detective or a police officer. The latter solves problem, the former wastes tax payers' money.

I won't accuse anyone being alarmist for now. No one expected Sony to censor ecchi games, until they did. I don't know who voted these people in, but until otaku can run for these governmental positions, they'll keep getting the shaft.

Yes. The thing they are fighting against is child exploitation is it not? If you fighting against child exploitation, you would typically go after media with a huge minor sexualization problem. Anyone can run for congress, but it takes time, effort and money to do so. Most otaku, most likely, don't have the time, don't what to put in effort or have the money to do so.
Jan 19, 2018
build a support group against having basic journalistic standards, reputable sources and 😱fact checking😱
Didn't realise you need to be a full blown journalist to share and have an opinion on news articles lmao.
Dec 31, 2019
I'm still surprised Kinokuniya even has an Australian branch.
East Asian countries other than Japan? USA? UAE, one of the richest countries in the world that can afford to drop fat stacks like nobody's business?
Does the Land Down Under really command that sizable of a chunk of the non-Japanese weeb market?

Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Flippin' hell It doesn't take a stalker to see yet another alarmist post in the side bar and decided to respond to it with a counter point/argument. It's not like he needed to specifically target you, it's just that you are the one making these posts.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
@justforthelulz I guess that's why they only had the one? I dunno. It kinda makes sense they'd have one just from their proximity to Japan.
Jun 11, 2019

I didn't say that. You just need to be able to report on shit reputably, that's it lol. I know it might be harder than it seems but it is easy enough. I don't understand why people struggle with fact-checking so much.
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