Oh, so another ungrateful, violent bitch, that hates men because they have wang between their legs and she has no idea "what they think"- yeah what a surprise, a woman, that doesn`t know any better... And another spineless twerp, who thinks too much, instead of growing some balls, allowing himself to be stepped on, because...? And another ridicolous illness that requires touching somebody with a dick or tounge or some shit... because we don`t have enough of those... Oh my, what an original idea(monotone sarcasm). Next one of those, to not to be labelled as same will probably feature guys having such illness and women running around and "massaging them". "High Risk Therapy" at least was self aware, how stupid that idea was, so it was good comedy, there were plot devices pulled straight out of the author`s ass, like manliness potion or some shit... Everyone knew what is this all about
Here? If it is comedy, then it is hidden well... i honestly ask here- have anyone even smilled, when he or she did read this?