hello Everyone,
this is a question if mangadex has the same concept as kissmanga.
so in kissmanga, they have a system in the bookmark section where the reader can identify if there is a new update on the manga they are reading. for example, if the reader has finish the latest chapter on a manga, they would label it as read and as time pass by, the read label will change to unread if there is a new chapter. i was wondering if mangadex has the same concept as that because that could be very useful on keeping tab if a person is reading multiple manga during those times.
thank you
this is a question if mangadex has the same concept as kissmanga.
so in kissmanga, they have a system in the bookmark section where the reader can identify if there is a new update on the manga they are reading. for example, if the reader has finish the latest chapter on a manga, they would label it as read and as time pass by, the read label will change to unread if there is a new chapter. i was wondering if mangadex has the same concept as that because that could be very useful on keeping tab if a person is reading multiple manga during those times.
thank you