Kitsune Spirit - Ch. 57

Dex-chan lover
Jun 18, 2018
@WhiteEkans I know why you don't want people to @ you, because you know what you said was shit but you couldn't stop yourself since you are an incel
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 30, 2019
@Forikorder It nothing, that guy who tried to trick his someone the fiancé trust, so probably the plan could be to just trick her, and after she wakes up, make her believe they did it, maybe the fiancé sudenly appearing in a love hotel room. She did seem like she was forced to drink that ... If a engaged goes at night and drink with strangers so causal (again, the guy just asking, she was happily accepting )
this was seen multiple times in anime / series or movies, if one of the pair suspect of something unfaithful, the may ask a friend to try and force a flirt, sometimes, its more inocent then others, like in Kaguya-sama, Kaguya asked Ai to try seducing Miyuki, and the guys directly reject her, saying his hearth was already taken. Confirming Miyuki's feelings for Kaguya

The fiancé is wrong for having an affair, but at the bar incident, she didnt know that, yet she was enjoying herself and (would ) drink with a stranger chad, yet not knowing about his fiancé situation, but that didnt bother her. Her reaction the the guy's invitation kind of remove the guilt of the husband. Its a good thing they dont get engaged, she is as bad as him.

@stilgar Sure some people get off with cheating plot, forgot about that crazy side of manga, wont judge I guess (?)
Apr 29, 2019
Coco live stream was a thing of culture. I can't get over the thing that she made a reaction video of her own video highlights afterwards.
Oct 23, 2018
The fluff hasn’t been gone for more than 2 chapters and we already have incels defending rape and victim blaming.
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 30, 2019
@seth90 LOL, going white knight wont get you anything, Thats millenials for you
I guess I can agree we disagree

I love how people cant argument, but try to attack the one pointing to this aspect

Whatever, if you cant argument , I will just waiting for the hoe arc to end, and get back to wholesome fox wife moments
Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018
@WhiteEkans fox read his mind, he was planning on raping her as per the fiancees orders. accepting a drink from a pushy stranger is a way to prevent them from getting violent
Dex-chan lover
Apr 1, 2018
^I love a good controversial opinion!

The lady had some really good facial expressions this chapter.
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 30, 2019
@Forikorder Hum, argumenting the actual history, thats more interesting. after re reading the whole arc, You have a point. Fox did say that so, thats was his intention, to give her sleeping pills so she gets sleepy. But still, how would be "be acting like take care for her while she sleeps "? She would have to get him to accompagn her to a bedroom. I dont know what kind of pills that was, but she wouldnt feel suddenly, probably the fect would bit by bit get stornger, so for them to get to the situation of her sleeping and him "taking care of her" would requeire them going somewhere together after that bar'night. so dont know what the husband was thinking.

Maybe something like, " If she faalls for your trick, then do whatever you what with her" and the guy got excited because he could do it . So yh the husband must be rooten, but still, the girl fell heads over for the trick, not really the good plan wife. Im not defending the rape, I "review " that part, but also review the girl reaction. Its interesting this test plot. there is no white or black, but multiple nuances of grey.

Guess we need to wait next chapters so we get more info about the husband plans.
Dec 31, 2019
I'm already enjoying these comments more than the actual arc, especially since I already went ahead and spoilered myself.

Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018
@WhiteEkans "oh shes falling asleep, its cool i know where she lives ill call for a taxi and make sure she gets home safe" and then as soon as hes out of the bar takes her to a hotel and rapes her

she cant think clearly because shes been put to freaking sleep and probably half drunk so cant resist, anyone who thinks her judgement is anywhere close to reliable at that point is being ridiculous

and its still fucking disgusting to say "accepting a drink from a stranger means you deserve to get raped"

@justforthelulz hope you brought enough for the whole class
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 30, 2019
@Forikorder she agreed on 1 glass, how would she be drunk. Unless she would be enjoying her time with that guy and agrees to drink more question mark
Also, I dont think the sleeping pill would be that fast to act. But the mind trick into rape is bad.
Thats why you dont accept drinks from strangers when you are alone (specially girls).
Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018
@WhiteEkans i assumed she went to the bar and was already drinking, i assume this because we can see her at a fucking bar drinking, so she should already be at least slightly drunk before drinking another drink which would only make the effect of the pill harder for resist

it doesnt matter if the sleeping pill is fast acting or slow acting, as long as it does act and yes there are drugs that can put people to sleep very fast, depending on the dosage she could be out before she even finishes the drink

yes you should not ever accept a drink from a stranger, but the fiancee is absolutely in the wrong for hiring someone to rape his wife regardless of the why, theres is never a situation where rape is justified
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 30, 2019
The plan went definitely too far, certainly ""accepting a drink from a stranger means you deserve to get raped"" Is not right.
HE should have just make that guy try to seduce her, and if she feel for him, stopping before anything happens, the guys revealing his plan and the couple break ups has it should, since both parts arent satisfied with their relationship. Yes, like you said the husband was wrong if his plans was that she would get raped, thats something that should not exist, and the girl should not ever accept that from a stranger, specially if she had already drink a few glasses before, and in that weak state of mind , worried about her life. (Though, since her engagement was at risk, that should be 1 more reason to not accept that drink )
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
G-P please confirm if you'll keep working on this manga, last time i saw one of these discussions even the scanlator got enough.
Also, considering that it's summer, try to make some Sangría.
Active member
Jan 21, 2020

You’re forgetting/ignoring the fact that, while the lady is concerned that the fiancé keeps pushing back the marriage date (at least enough to go drinking at least), there’s no indication she wanted to end things (ch. 55 pg. 1); she was actually looking forward to their marriage before fox-san stepped in (ch. 57 pg. 1).

Also, even ignoring the fact that the guy is a fucking piece of shit criminal and should be locked up + has a mistress, there are other signs he’s trouble. 57-2 he calls he a “dumb woman” and right after he talks about how his goal is NOT just to break up with her, but ALSO con her out of her $$$ (57-4).

If you’re keeping tally of who’s “at fault”:
The lady accepted a drink after being pressured heavily by some dude
The guy got a mistress, hired someone to rape his fiancée, constantly belittles her intelligence and character, and is trying to turn her into an ATM before he dips.

Sorry bro, but this is kind of the definition of a black and white sitaution

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