Kiyo in Kyoto: From the Maiko House - Vol. 12 Ch. 119 - Menu of Dreams

Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
@wooklee Which child labor law? Don't apply your country law to another country and then saying ignorant thing like that. In my country, children as as 10 year old have to work or else their family won't have anything to eat. In Japan, 15 years old is old enough to get into the workforce as high school isn't mandatory. Japan only required children to finish middle-school so there are plenty of people don't get into high school and get a job after they finish middle-school.

@Kaarme In Kiyo's case, I think the Mother deduces the boarding fee, sends most of her salary to her grandmother, and then gives some to her as pocket money. Or it is just simple that Kiyo sent all of her money home and the Mother just wanted to give her some pocket money because she sees Kiyo as one of the girls she is taking care of. I don't think it is an error. Different culture has different way of doing thing. We can't say it is an error since we aren't Japanese.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2018
@djalexdubcheck if you read through the chapters you’ll see every once in awhile comments from different characters how ordinary kiyo’s cooking is. But ordinary is also bound up with feelings of comfort and soothing. So although it’s sometimes treated like a punchline, it also serves as a way to cement kiyo’s calming effect on many of the characters in her orbit.
Group Leader
Mar 23, 2018
@Kaarme A simple google search will yield the information:

Depending on the financial arrangement, a geisha may start by loaning everything from the okiya - room, board, and kimono - and slowly pay this back over time. Under this system, until she has paid off everything, all her tips and wages go to the okiya, though she is given an allowance by the mother of the house.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@reika Seems like folks here were pretty good at guessing and deducing even without Google-sensei's help.
Jun 28, 2019
@wooklee It's about the culture AND how much money is involved. Even an industry built quite recently... I just started reading the comments like @denzith and @Kaarme and realize how creepily similar (and terrifying) the geisha system is with Kpop system of training, debut, and debt to the "company/okiya". They signed the contract since very young, live in a dorm, they train until they are deemed good enough to debut, not knowing when it is, or ever at all (in the novel "Memoirs of a Geisha", some apprentices that can't debut meet less nice fate than Kiyo). The cost of their training, housing, living expense, hair styling, clothes, making of songs, transport, performances, are all added to the debt while they worked to pay for it so they can one day finally profit and see the big money. There are company and group who have no money and so the MV is subpar etc, and so they have less demand, less work, less money, and the circle continues. I wonder if the house and the mama influence also have a part of how big a debt you carry and how successful a maiko/geisha can be.
Now JPOP groups like AKB48 could also be said "child labor" too huh... although I have no idea about the age they started working and training, and maybe they aren't considered child anymore since graduating middle school.
As long as it turns a profit, it trumps child labor.
Active member
Oct 17, 2018
"conservation of historic cultures trump child labor laws"

Thx for commenting guys appreciate the insight.
I wasn't gonna give feedback but I seem to have garnered a lot of interest on my backhand comment.

@kuma Thx for the link here's another link for specifics, Chapter VI deals with minors

@miyako I'm sorry If I have caused you any pain through my comment. But "Ignorant" seems kind of harsh...
"Don't apply your country law to another country and then saying ignorant thing like that"
Jokes aside, we are looking at Japan and not a third world country. In this chapter, my comment was showing concern for her working hours specifically, while it is all up to her work ethic,
Breaks play an important role in reducing stress and clearing the mind, And food is critical in her development.
"In my country, children as as 10 year old have to work or else their family won't have anything to eat."
Is that something to be proud of? I'm sorry you live in a third world country, where basic rights aren't provided to the people. And where government and officials are corrupt. But that is no reason to call me "ignorant". 10 year old's should not be working to feed their families. Their is a problem in that society/culture/state. Hopefully some NGO sends some help.

@Nikkha It's crazy to see that if you keep peeling layers, everything comes down to money/prestige/power. The Asian idol industry always reminds me of the length China goes to produce athletes especially to win that Delicious Gold Medal at the Olympics. 100s of kids all committing to one sport all to create the final HIGHLANDER. I always found it fascinating how if the top athletes sport is popular (not Rowing) later go on to acting, advertising and other forms of entertainment. I always wondered what happened to the kids that don't make it. Do they just throw them into the military?
Have you seen those Asian variety shows where they test idols on middle school concepts and they always seem to fail... I always thought they were lying, but maybe its due to their lifestyle...

Again, Thanks guys for your Comments. I do enjoy this manga and hope you guys enjoy it as well.
Jun 28, 2019
@wookie The only idol group I was following is treated/displayed like perfect human-god... they are always portrayed as smart, strong, and agile and were always doing things perfectly and win in variety shows, so I hope the one you watched is only following the script to create comedic effect and not the reality.
Nowadays they are in their 30s and one have double master degree, one comeback to school to finish high school and then recently obtained online bachelor degree/certification, one I'm sure have bachelor degree as well. So not all is bleak... if they're lucky and hardworking enough to break the curse that is. Then children see them and inspired to be like them with all the bling and what not. It's really a hellish cycle.
Thank you for your information about the system in China. It's ironic that China is using that method, in my country, the Chinese becomes athlete without so much support from the government and then win Gold medals after gold medals...
Athletes have very short job "life expectancy" (what do you call them?). Japan's currently very popular ice skating athlete Yuzuru Hanyu also are pushed to be "soon retiring" even when he has no intention to and are only it's actually make sense they retort to entertainment.
Thanks for the reply, I binge read this and there are so many discussion I'd actually like to participate but already too late lol
Jan 15, 2019
This manga is like a junk food binge after 30: delicious, even cathartic atm, but it will act up in your gut a few hours later.

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