@MILKITALIX I'm pretty sure that chap 62 you linked to is the official translation (as well as the chaps 1-60 you can find elsewhere). You can see on the final page that the translation is copyright Square Enix, alongside the original JP publication.
It's probably a good idea to not link illegally-uploaded official translations here, since things based on official translations are what got mangadex in trouble a few weeks ago anyway. Just mention that people can find chap 62 elsewhere but that it can't be upped to MD because "reasons".
@MILKITALIX The font size increase is a good change, nice job man! The next step, assuming you want to keep doing this, would be quality checking, as there were quite a few typos; for example, the well-memed "Let's Moe!", among other things.
@MILKITALIX this is already much better than 61. now you need a proofreader so you can avoid humiliating typos like "somthing". that's like getting your pants pulled down in class.
this translating thing is only temporary.
im just hoping some group will pick this up
and not use the excuse that crunchy has and already is translating it