@lupus_in_fabula Exactly my reaction.
And this time it wasn't even plausible IMO . . . I mean, not in general, it's totally plausible for a guy with a weapon to beat a boxer with a knuckle. But that moment where it went from her having an angle to him nailing her, I don't see how that happens. She'd got inside his range, he was going for the sideways move that brought him outside again, he hit the alley wall and did the "(!)". So at that point she's inside his range and pretty much has him dead to rights. Next chapter, first frame he's hitting her, and with the
point of all things! How the fuck did he get far enough back for a thrust, and without her apparently even seeing him move? How did he even reposition for the attack before she could do her own blow? He didn't pull a good move, he didn't do anything, the writer just decided that he gets to nail her now. It pulled me out of the story.
It's weird, for a story that's supposed to be about this tough girl, it kind of feels like the cartoonist stealth doesn't like girls getting to be tough.
Hopefully it's a gradual build-up, signalled by the K-O King, that she's stacking up experience and
eventually she'll get to win. But it's pretty goddamn gradual; I'm gonna be a tad unsatisfied if the only fight she ever wins is the very last one in the story and until then she always gets rescued by some guy.