AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA why is it taking so long to for the interesting schtoof to happen aaaaaaa, not complaining though, this is some great exposition, I guess I'm kinda bored of stories that always have the conflict start on the first chapterHelldivers-adjacent organics-based bug magical girl fighters Yuri :3
seems interesting as all hell though, I'm glad that insane ideas like these are still being though of and planned out by mangakas
This is awesome! I’m so hooked. Please please keep updating. Thank you so much! <33
Didn't know it was a webnovel, huh. (Couldn't find any trace of it last time I tried)'s so intriguing and ch4 cliffhanger is too much for me to handle so I went and read the novel using Google translation and now I can't wait!
Yeah, seems to switch to manga script main.The web novel says it is serialized, does this mean that it is no longer being posted as a web novel and is a manga thing now?
It still have enough angst of yuri and growing up. Hope it could last.This is a refreshing change from the 6 gorilllion "reincarnated with my cheat skills and infinite harem" stories. Will probably get axed, because the japanese react allergic to good world building, unique plots and things like logic.
I want MC to end up with Towa. She is the right type of crazywho does everybody think the ship is?